
来源:在职硕士    发布时间:2012-07-04    在职硕士辅导视频    评论

1. A week after her hu**and died, Mary broke ________ completely and had to go into hospital.
A. up B. in
C. down D. oat

2. A wooden bridge is not strong enough to _________a railway train.
A. retain B. support
C. maintain D. obtain

3. A year ago the firm had a _________ loss of 4.3 million dollars or 20 cents a share after all necessary deduction.
A. total B. gross
C. net D. clear

4. Able placed too much _________ on sports mad not enough on his studies.
A. importance B. emphasis
C. interest D. worth

5. According to Nobel’s famous will, the interest on his fund will be _________ to five people who have made great contributions to mankind daring the previous year.
A. contributed B. devoted
C. distributed D. allocated




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