
来源:特岗教师    发布时间:2012-12-19    特岗教师辅导视频    评论

Ⅱ.Reading Comprehension 20%

Directions:Thei’e are two passages in this part.Each passage isfollowed by five questions or unfinished statements.For each of themthere are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should decide onthe BEST CHOICE. 

Passage 1

It is difficult for doctors to help a person with a hm*brain.With- out enough blood.the brain lives only three to five minutes.Some- times the hurt brain gets better by itself.More often the doctors cannot fix the hurt brain.Sometimes they are aft'aid to try something to help. It is dangerous to work on the brain.The doctor might make the per- son worse if he works on the brain.

Doctor Robert White,a famous professor and doctor,thinks he knows a way to help.He thinks doctors should try to make the brain become very cold.If it is very cold.the brain can live without blood for 30 minutes.This gives the doctors a longer time to do something for the brain.

Doctor White tried his idea on 13 monkeys.First he taught them to do different jobs.Then he operated on them.He made the monkey’S blood go through a machine.The machine cooled the blood. Then the machine sent the blood back to the monkey’S brain.When the brain temperature was 10 degrees,Doctor White stopped the blood to the brain.After 30 minutes he tumed the blood back on.He warmed the blood again.After their operations,the monkeys were as the),were before.They were healthy and busy.Each one could still do the jobs the doctor had taught them.

Doctor White’S idea works well on monkeys.Are there other problems with human beings?Doctor White thinks doctors will use his idea on human beings.He thinks it will help people who have to die when their heart stops;doctors can start it again.The problem comes when the brain is without blood for three to five minutes;the person has a living body,but a dead brain.Maybe in the future,doctors will try Doctor White’S idea.When the person’S heart stops,the doctors will quickly try to cool the blood.They will have 30 minutes to start the heart again.Maybe there will be no problem with the brain.

1.Which of the following expresses the main idea of the first paragraph?

A.Not many doctors can help a hurt brain to recover.

B.Without blood the brain can only live for five minutes.

C.A hurt brain is not an easy problem for doctors to cope with.

D.It is quite dangerous for doctors to operate on the hurt brain.

2.What will help doctors work on the brain?

A.Taking the blood out of the hurt brain.

B.Lowering the temperature of the brain.

C.Helping the brain live outside the body.

D.Supplying enough blood for the brain.

3.When a person’s heart stops beating,________ .

A.it doesn’t necessarily mean that he cannot COme to life again

B.it definitely means that he can never come back to life again

C.it undoubtedly means that his brain has died at the same time

D.it undoubtedly neons that his body has died at the same time

4.People most probably die when __________ .

A.they stop breathing    B.they stop bleeding

C.their hearts stop      D.their brain die

5.Which is the best title for this passage?

A.A Study of the Blood of the Monkey

B.A Study of the Brain of the Monkey   

C.A New Way to Work on the Brain   

D.A New Machine to Help the Brain

Passage 2

Swimming the English Channel requires a tremendous amount of courage and strength,as well as careful training and planning.The three main problems that a swimmer faces are the coldness of the wa- ter,the strong tides,and the roughness of the waves in the channel. Even in swimmer the temperature of the water is never warmer than 50 to 68 degrees,which is the reason most swimmers make their attempts in August when the water is usually warmest.

The main difficulty in training for channel swimming is becoming accustomed to the cold.Swimmers usually spend three to four months practicing in the channel,gradually lengthening the time each day un- til they can stay in the cold water ten or fifteen hours art a stretch in the last stages of training.As added protection against the cold,be- fore they begin a channel crossing,the swimmers cover themselves with a layer of heavy,brownish axle grease,putting on coating 1/1 6 to 1/8 inch thick.

Much of the success in swimming the channel depends upon the timing with the tides.The direct distance from Cap Gris Nez in France to Dover.England—across the narrowest part of the channel—is 2l miles,but the swimmer must go a much longer distance because he does not travel in a straight line in order to swim with the tide chan- ges.Perfect planning and timing are necessary to avoid being caught by the turn of the tide just as he nears the other side.Boats equipped with radar now follow channel swimmers and help keep them on course with the tide changes.

Channel swimmers must face the swift currents that move in thechannel.Oflen a swimmer will come within a mile of the shore whenthe tide changes,making it difficult or impossible to finish the event.

Some swimmers are swept SO far off course that the swim from 30 to.

45 miles in the process.Rough waves are also difficult to battle;channel waters are relatively smooth for only a few days each month,and even then there are likely to be dangerous cross cutxent and sudden weather changes.

6.In the passage,the answers Call be found to all the tbllowing   questions EXCEPT ________________ .

A.How does a swimmer get ready for a crossing?

B.Why is timing SO important to a channel swimmer?

C.How far should a swimmer swim in crossing the channel?

D.What risks does a swimmer run in crossing the channel?

7.The main aim in training for channel swimming is __________ .

A.to be used to the water temperature in August

B.to learn to lengthen the practicing time each day

C.to be accustomed to being covered with grease as a protection

D.to be good at standing the long hours in cold water

8.A successful channel swimmer iS said to be the swimmer who _________ .

A.keeps himself on course with the tide changes

B.chooses the narrowest way to the other side

C.takes a curving course,following a radar boat

D.times his crossing SO that he may reach the other side be-   fore tide

9.According to the passage,the radar boat is used for ______ .

A.rescuing the swimmer from drowning when he in danger

B.preventing him from being caught by the tide

C.equipping him for the dangerous crossing

D.giving him the right direction when a storm puts him off   the course

10.The passage is less concerned with showing _______________ .

A.careful training for channel crossing

B.how to overcome the roughness of the water

C.the difficulties caused by the swift currents

D.how to choose the best time for a crossing



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