
来源:秘书考试    发布时间:2012-03-26    秘书考试视频    评论

  • 第1页:A. Listening Test
  • 第2页:I. Vocabulary and Structure
  • 第3页:Section B Directions
  • 第4页:Ⅱ Reading Comprehension
  • 第5页:Section B Directions:
  • 第6页:III Translation Directions
  • 第7页:IV. Directions
  • 第8页:参考答案及评分标准

A. Listening Test

I. Directions: Listen to this short dialogue and tell whetherthe following sentences are True or False. Write T for True and F for False in the brackets. (5 questions, 2 marks each question,10 marks altogether) 你将听到一个对话,根据其内容对下列句子做出正确或错误的判断,请在 [ ] 中填写T(对)或F(错),每题2分,共10分。

1. [  ] The woman doesn’t come to work at 9 o’clock.
2. [  ] The woman files in the afternoon.
3. [  ] The man wants to know whether the woman likes making coffee.
4. [  ] The woman needs to receive incoming mail and this is her only job in the
5.[  ] The woman does a lot of things in the morning, including taking care of the incoming regular mails, sending faxes and making coffee if needed.
II Directions: Listen to the dialogue and read the questions. Then choose a correct answer to each question. (5 questions, 2 marks for each, 10 marks altogether) 根据所听到的对话选择出正确答案,每题2分,共10分。

1. Where does the conversation take place?
(A)A restaurant
(B)A dorm
(C)A conference room
(D)A shop
2. How many batteries are on the new phone?
(B)Not mentioned
3. The new module is versatile, because
(A)it can be a calculator
(B)it can send a fax
(C)it can play computer games
(D)all of the above
4. What is the size of the new module?
(A)Uncomfortably small
(B)Conveniently small
(C)Very large
(D)Not mentioned
5. Which statement is NOT true according to the recording? .
(A)The new module has three different colours
(B)The new module is eighty pounds fifty
(C)It is like a jacket pocket
(D)It is very small




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