
来源:在职硕士    发布时间:2012-07-04    在职硕士辅导视频    评论

  • 第1页:单选题1-15题
  • 第2页:单选题16-30题
  • 第3页:单选题31-44题
  • 第4页:多选题
  • 第5页:英语阅读理解-1
  • 第6页:英语阅读理解-2
  • 第7页:英语阅读理解-3
  • 第8页:论述题
  • 第9页:参考答案
  Questions 63 to 67 are based on the following passage:(10分)
  Architecture is the art or science of designing and constructing buildings with durable materials following certain canons.
  Historically, architecture has followed a succession of recognizable styles that may, for example, be identified as Gothic, Baroque, or Neo-Classical; or it has a specific style associated with a particular culture, such as Greek, Roman, or Egyptian.
  Architectural style, even if it is a country house, factory, hotel, airport, or religious building, reflects the values as well as the needs of the society that produces it. However, it is governed not only by taste and aesthetic interest but also by many practical considerations.
  The availability of suitable materials is closely linked to the development of skills and influenced the shapes of buildings. Carpentry developed in areas of the world that were thickly forested.
  Although it has become scarcer, timber remains an important building material.
  In other areas, stone and marble were chosen for important monuments because they are fireproof and durable. Stone is also a sculptural material; stone architecture was often integral with stone sculpture. The use of stone has declined today because a number of other materials, such as glass, steel, and concrete are more economical to use and assemble.
  In regions where both timber and stone were scarce, earth itself was used as a building material. Mud or clay was compact into walls or made into bricks that were dried in the sun. Later, bricks were baked in kilns, which gave them greater durability.
  Building with stones or bricks is called masonry. The elements cohere through sheer gravity or the use of mortar. The Romans found a natural cement that, combined with insert substances, produced concrete. In the early 19th century a truly waterproof cement, the key ingredient of modern cement, was developed. So, it is said that Romans are great contributor to the development of architecture.
  63.The writer of this article dose not mention_________.
  A.the style of the buildings
  B.the materials of the buildings
  C.the concept of architecture
  D.the areas where stone and timber are rich
  64.What does the word “reflects” ( in Paragraph 3) mean?
  D.both A and B
  65.Architectural style will show _________ .
  A.the values of people
  B.the needs of people
  C.the taste of people
  D.all of the above
  66.According to the article, which of the following statements is NOT true?
  A.The discovery of new building materials will influence the development of building skills.
  B.Stone is both a building material and a sculptural material.
  C.In the modern world, more and more other materials have replaced stone and timber as building materials.
  D.If an area is short of stone or timber, people usually use bricks as building materials.
  67.In the architectural history, Romans _________.
  A.found a natural building material that can be used to produce concrete
  B.were the first people who could produce concrete
  C.found a truly waterproof cement
  D.contributed most to the development of architecture









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