
来源:在职硕士    发布时间:2012-07-04    在职硕士辅导视频    评论

Part Ⅳ Cloze Test (15 minutes, 10 points)
  Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each bland there are four choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

  It has been necessary to refer repeatedly to the effects of the two world wars in promoting all kinds of innovation. It should be __66__ also that technological innovations have __67__ the character of war itself by the __68__ of new mechanical and chemical devices. One weapon developed during World War II __69__ a special mention. The __70__ of rocket propulsions was well known earlier, and its possibilities as a __71__ of achieving speeds sufficient to escape from the earth’s gravitational pull had been __72__ by the Russian and the American scientists. The latter built experimental liquid-fuelled rockets in 1926. __73__, a group of German and Romanian pioneers was working __74__ the same line, and in the 1930s, it was this team that developed a rocket __75__ of delivering a warhead hundreds of miles away. Reaching a height of over 100 miles, the V-2 rocket __76__ the beginning of the Space Age, and members of its design team were __77__f in both the Soviet and United States space programs after the war.
  Technology had a tremendous social __78__ in the period 1900~1945. The automobile and electric power, __79__, radically changed both the scale and the quality of 20th-century life, __80__ a process of rapid urbanization and a virtual revolution __81__ living through mass production of household goods and __82__. The rapid development of the airplane, the cinema, and radio made the world seem suddenly smaller and more __83__. The development of many products of the chemical industry further transformed the life of most people. In the years __84__ 1945 the constructive and creative opportunities of modern technology could be __85__, although the process has not been without its problems.

66. A. notified B. observed C. commented D. detected
67. A. transformed B. imitated C. innovated D. simulated
68. A. introduction B. innovation C. elimination D. alteration
69. A. requires B. entitles C. furnishes D. deserves
70. A. principle B. discipline C. strategy D. doctrine
71. A. methods B. means C. technique D. medium
72. A. take over B. handed over C. carried out D. pointed out
73. A. Simultaneously B. Advantageously C. Spontaneously D. Instantaneously
74. A. across B. at C. along D. with
75. A. capable B. able C. possible D. suitable
76. A. spoiled B. informed C. labeled D. marked
77. A. instrumental B. mechanical C. structural D. integral
78. A. influence B. connection C. impact D. conflict
79. A. on the other hand B. as a result C. on the contrary D. for instance
80. A. encouraging B. urging C. promoting D. assisting
81. A. by B. in C. through D. on
82. A. appliances B. utilities C. instruments D. equipment
83. A. perceptive B. accessible C. complex D. controversial
84. A. preceding B. previous C. subsequent d. following
85. A. exploited B. applied C. adopted D. processed

Paper Two
  Part Ⅰ Error Detection and Correction (10minutes, 10 points)
Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts. These parts are labeled A, B, C, and D. Identify the part of the sentence that is incorrect and mark out your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. Then, without altering the meaning of the sentence, write down your correction on the line on the ANSWER SHEET.
86. I have no idea (A) of Mr. Williams (B) being promoted to the new post. You (C) should have told me about it (D) earlier.
87. Do you (A) regret paying U.S. $500 for the painting? No, I (B) would gladly pay (C) twice as much for (D) it.
88. (A) So little (B) were his belongings that he (C) carried them in a bundle (D) over his shoulder.
89. (A) Salesmen are so smart that the customers can’t help but (B) being persuaded to buy (C) something they do not really (D) want.
90. I don’t know (A) what illness he (B) suffered from, but I do remember he mentioned (C) being (D) in hospital last year.
91. In the Middle Age, in Rome, Venice and in (A) other Italian cities, there (B) developed an intellectual movement (C) called humanism, which (D) is the basis of the Renaissance.
92. In 1898, (A) the Curies obtained a new element (B) that radioactivity was (C) several million times stronger than (D) uranium’s.
93. One survey (A) indicated each Chinese family averaged (B) as many as 30 minutes of (C) daily television (D) usage in 1985.
94. Perhaps transportation and (A) the means of communication (B) have really made (C) it possible for there (D) being an end to the big cities.
95. As more and more cars are produced and used, (A) so the emission from their (B) exhaust-pipes (C) contain an (D) ever larger volume of poisonous gas. Part II Translation (15 minutes, 10 points)
Direction: Translate the following sentences into English.
96. 北京申奥成功、中国进入WTO,既给商业、企业界带来新的发展机遇,同时也带来一系列新的挑战。
97. 中国地大物博,近年来经济迅猛发展,这使得中国在现代国际经济中成为一支越来越重要的力量。
98. 在大公司里工作并不是一件轻松的事,因为除了要承受巨大的工作压力,你还要天天处于严格的监督之下。
99. 近50年来,癌症的发病率地直处于上升趋势,专家认为,这与生活方式和饮食有关。
100. 中国移动电话用户到2001年7月底达到1.206亿户,居世界第一。



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