
来源:中考    发布时间:2012-07-19    中考辅导视频    评论

Passage 76
I often dreamed about Pisa when I was a boy. I read about the famous building called the Leaning Tower of Pisa. But when I read the word Pisa, I was thinking of pizza .I thought this tower was a place to buy pizza .It must be the best place to buy pizza in the world, I thought.
Many years later I finally saw the Leaning Tower. I knew then that it was Pisa and no pizza. But there was still something special about it for me .The tower got its name because it really did lean to one side. Some people want to try to fix it. They are afraid it may fall over and they don’t like it leans over the city.
I do not think it’s a good idea to try to fix it. The tower probably will not fall down. It is 600 years old. Why should anything happen to it now? And, if you ask me, I like what it looks like. To me it is a very human kind of leaning. Nothing is perfect. It seems to say.
And who cares? Why do people want things to be perfect? Imperfect things may be more interesting. Let’s take the tower in Pisa. Why is it so famous? There are many other older, more beautiful towers in Italy. But Pisa tower is the most famous. People come from all over the world to see it.
1.This passage is about_______.
A. Italian pizza B. Italy’s problems
C. How the Leaning Tower of Pisa got its name D. Why the writer likes Pisa
2.The writer used to think Pisa______.
A.in Spain B. not very famous C. not the same as pizza D. the same as pizza
3.The Leaning Tower of Pisa is _______.
A. modern B. falling down C. 600 years old D. 60 years old-
4.The writer________.
A. doesn’t like what the tower looks like B. likes what the tower looks like
C. thinks it’s the most beautiful tower in Italy D. doesn’t like towers
5. The writer likes the Leaning Tower of Pisa because________.
A. it’s old B. it’s perfect C. it sells pizza D. it’s imperfect

Passage 77
A rich man was once riding along the road and saw an old man digging in his garden. On the ground lay a young tree, ready to be planted. The rich man called out to the old man, “What kind of tree are you planting there, my good man?”
“This is a fig(无花果)tree, sir.” He said.
“A fig tree?” the rich man was very surprised. “Why, how old are you, may I ask?”
“I am ninety years old.”
“What!” cried the rich man. “You're ninety years old. You are planting a very young tree now and it'll take years to give fruit. You certainly don't hope to live long enough to get any fruit from this tree.” The old man looked around the garden. Then he said with a smile, “Tell me, sir. Did you eat figs when you were a boy?” “Sure,” the man did not know why he asked this question. “Then tell me this,” he said. “Who planted the fig trees?” “Why-why?I don't know.” “You see, sir.” went on the old man. “Our forefathers(祖先)planted trees for us to enjoy and I am doing the same for the people after me.”
The rich man was quiet and said, “You are right, my good man. We should do some things for the people after us. Thank you very much.” Then he rode away.
1.What tree was the old man planting when the rich man saw him?
2.How old was the old man?
3.The old man was planting the tree to get himself some fruit to eat, wasn't he?Who was he planting the tree for?
4.Did the rich man eat figs when he was a boy?
5.What should we do for the people after us?

Passage 78
The following passage is about the states of America. Read through it and choose the best answers.
Texas was the biggest state (州) before Alaska became the forty-ninth state in 1959. One good way to understand the size of Texas is to learn about its weather. Different parts of the state have very different kinds of weather.
Laredo is one of the hottest cities in the United States in summer. The best time to visit Laredo is in winter, when it is pleasantly warm.
Amarillo gets very cold in winter. Sometimes there is more snow in Amarillo than in New York, which is a northern city.Summers are better, but sometimes it gets quite hot. The best time to visit Amarillo is in the autumn when it is cool.
If anyone asks you about the weather in Texas, ask him, “What part of Texas do you mean?”
1.Which of the following statements is true according to passage above?
A. Alaska is the biggest city in America. B. Texas is the second biggest state in America.
C. Alaska is the second biggest state in America. D. Texas is the biggest city in America.
2.Which of the following diagrams gives the correct relationship(关系)between Texas (T), Laredo(L)and Amarillo(A)?
3.In the passage the sentence “Different parts of the state have different kinds of weather.” means ________.
A. Laredo is very hot B. America is very big
C. Texas is very big D. Texas is far from Alaska
Passage 79
Look at the pictures and read through the following passage, then choose the right answers.

If we find a bird nest, we will have a good place of observing(观察)and knowing about birds.
Birds sit on eggs and take care of their baby birds from April to June. Because the baby birds are too young to leave the nest, mothers often leave and come back to the nest during the time to look for food. So it is good to observe birds. When we observe birds, we’d better hide(躲藏)ourselves in a close place to the nest, and it's better to use binoculars(双筒望远镜).
But how to make a bird nest? Picture 1 and Picture 2 are two kinds of bird nests. Picture 3 gives you some other kinds of bird nests. They are very easy to make. If you want to make one, please follow these:
Making a nest: A good nest must be very fine,strong,thick and easy.
a) Each nest must have six boards. Don’t make the boards too slippery(光滑).
b) Dig a small hole in the front of the nest as a door. The “door” is from 3cm to 5cm. So the bird can fly in or out easily.
c) Make sure the rainwater doesn’t go into the nest.
d) One piece of the boards should be easy to open.
e) Please don’t forget to color the nest.
Choose the best answers.
1.The most important thing in observing birds is ________.
A. to look for a place near the nest B. to climb trees
C. to write down notes every day D. to make a bird nest
2.When we're observing birds,we have to hide ourselves ________.
A. to look after them B. to use the binoculars
C. to make them do everything as usual D. to catch the birds at last
3.If we make the nest too slippery, ________.
A. it’s not strong B. it’s not easy to make
C. it’s not very beautiful D. it’s very difficult for birds to hold or stand on
4.We should leave a hole in the front of the nest so that ________.
A. we can clean the nest B. the birds can fly in or out
C. we can hang it easily D. it’s easy to make
5.What’s the title(题目)of this passage?
A. Birds and men B. Playing with the birds
C. Observing birds and making bird nests D. Listening to the songs of birds
Read the three postcards and answer the following questions.

1. Only one writer really is having a great time -which one?Write 1, 2 or 3._____
2. Whom did P.send the postcard to?_____
3. Where does Sam come from?_____
4. What does Sam do every morning?_____
5. Of the three who needed money most?_____



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