
来源:职称英语    发布时间:2013-02-04    职称英语辅导视频    评论


  3.Clones: A Milestone in Medical Science(参考译文:克隆—医学科学的一个里程碑)

  1.Take a cell,practically any cell,from your body,and through appropriate biological repairing,you can cause it to grow into a duplicate of yourself-identical from eyelashes to toenails.With this system,you can neatly reproduce yourself without any partner.Human cloning,it's called.



  2.Is this science fact or science fiction?In the spring of 1996,a book was published telling the supposedly true story of an elderly millionaire who,at great expense,succeeded in producting a clone-an exact genetic copy of himself.According to the account,the cloned child,now 4 years old,is living with his "father" in California.


  3.The book caused a small uproar.Clone movies and clone jokes sprang up overnight.A group of scientists demanded that the federal government reveal all the studies it has funded on cloning and related field of cell biology.But some distinguished biologists offered their opinion that the book was pure fantasy.They pointed out that cell researchers simply do not yet know enough to pull off such a feat,even if they are anxious to.


  4.Yet the cloning story touches a highly sensitive nerve.People began to realize that we are on the threshold of a new age in the biosciences.Knowledge of genetic engineering is emerging that allows scientists to tinker with,and change,the very stuff of life.The assumption on which human cloning rests is that all genetic cells,though now specialized,still contain exact copies of the original set of genetic instructions needed to make an entire individualcand could do so if a way is found to switch them back on.If so,the recipe for cloning people should be quite simple,at least in theory.


  5.Although it may look simple on paper,it isn't in practice. To date scientists have succeeded in cloning some small animals.But it is still a far cry from the much more complicated experiment on the carbon copy of human beings.Even when technically possible,the potential of human cloning challenges our entire value system.We must talk about the implications now ,before any crisis occurs.


  6.What would happen if human cloning became a reality? One favorite expectation is the creation of a new breed of Einstein's.But scientists quickly denied the possibility.It is more than genetic make-up that makes an individual.People are all products of a particular historical time and of special environment,with so many minute things affecting the way they develop each and every day.A duplicate background-and therefore a duplicate individual-could never be created.


  7.Fortunately,cloning research is not a technique for reproductive purposes,but to cure human diseases.Already biologists studying the cell's inner workings and the various methods of cloning have made exciting discoveries that may finally lead to breakthroughs in fighting against cancer.It may also be used to control the aging process,and conquer presently incurable human genetic diseases.





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