
来源:职称英语    发布时间:2013-02-04    职称英语辅导视频    评论


  The Traps(参考译文:圈闭)

  1.The term "trap" was first applied to a hydrocarbon accumulation by Orton:"... stocks of oil and gas might be trapped in the summits of folds or arches found along their way to higher ground." A detailed historical account of the subsequent evolution of the concept and etymology of the term trap is found in Dott and Reynolds(1969).



  2.A trap is one of the five essential requisites for a commercial accumulation of oil or gas.Levorsen gave a concise definition of a trap as "the place where oil and gas are barred from further movement." This definition needs some qualification,however.Explorationists in general and geophysicists in particular search for hydrocarbon traps.Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that they search for potential traps.Only after drilling and testing is it known whether the trap contains oil or gas.In other words a trap is still a trap whether it is barren or productive.


  3.Many terms are used to describe the various parameters of a trap.These terms are defined as follows and illustrated with reference to an anticlinal traps,the simplest type.The highest point of a trap is the crest,or culmination.The lowest point at which hydrocarbons may be contained in the trap is the spill point:this lies on a horizontal contour,the spill plane.The vertical distance from crest to spill plane is the closure of the trap.A trap may not be full to the spill plane,a point of both local and regional significance.Note that in areas of monoclinal dip the closure of a trap may not be the same as its structural relief.This situation is particularly significant in hydrodynamic traps.


  4.Within the trap the productive reservoir is termed the pay.The vertical distance from the top of the reservoir to the petroleum-water contact is termed gross pay.This thickness may vary from only one or two meters in Texas to several hundred meters in the North Sea and Middle East.All of the gross pay does not necessarily consist of productive reservoir,however,so gross pay is usually differentiated from net pay.The net pay is the cumulative vertical thickness of a reservoir from which petroleum may be produced.Development of a reservoir necessitates mapping the gross-net pay ratio across the field.


  5.A trap may contain oil,gas,or both.The oil-water contact(OWC) is the deepest level of producible oil.Similarly,the gas-oil contact(GOC) or gas-water contact(GWC),as the case may be,is the lower limit of producible gas.The accurate evaluation of these surfaces is essential before the reserves of a field can be calculated,and their establishment is one of the main objectives of well logging and testing.Where oil and gas occur together in the same trap,the gas overlies the oil because the gas has a lower density.Whether a trap contains oil and/or gas depends both on the chemistry and level of maturation of the source rock.And on the pressure and temperature of the reservoir itself.Not only does a gross gravity separation of gas and oil occur within a reservoir but more subtle variation may also exist.


  6.Some oil fields have a mat of heavy tar at the oil water contact.This mat is produced by the degradation of oil as bottom waters move beneath the oil-water contact.Tar mats cause considerable production problems by inhibiting water from displacing oil.Fields with thick oil columns may show a more subtle gravity variation through the pay zone.Boundaries between oil,gas,and water may be sharp or transitional.Abrupt fluid contacts indicate a permeable reservoir;gradational ones indicate a low permeability with a high capillary pressure.The zone immediately beneath the hydrocarbons is referred to as the bottom water,and the zone of the reservoir laterally adjacent to the trap as the edge zone.


  7.Fluid contacts in a trap are generally planar,but are by no means always horizontal.Early recognition of a tilted fluid contact is essential for the correct evaluation of a reserve.Correct identification of the cause of the tilt is necessary for the efficient production of the field.




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