
来源:职称英语    发布时间:2013-02-04    职称英语辅导视频    评论


  Self-Study Questions for Managers(参考译文:管理者自我学习的若干问题)

  1.Where do I get my information,and how? Can I make greater use of my contacts? Can other people do some of my scanning? In what areas is my knowledge weakest,and how can I get others to provide me with the information I need? Do I have sufficiently powerful mental models of those things I must understand within the organization and in its environment?



  2.What information do I disseminate? How important is that information to my subordinates? Do I keep too much information to myself because disseminating it is time consuming or inconvenient? How can I get more information to others so they can make better decisions?


  3.Do I tend to act before information is in? Or do I wait so long for all the information that opportunities pass me by?


  4.What pace of change am I asking my organization to tolerate? Is this change balanced so that our operations are neither excessively static nor overly disrupted? Have we sufficiently analyzed the impact of this change on the future of our organization?


  5.Am I sufficiently well-informed to pass judgment on subordinates'proposals? Can I leave final authorization for more of the proposals with subordinates? Do we have problems of coordination because subordinates already make too many decisions independently?


  6.What is my vision for this organization? Are these plans primarily in my own mind in loose form? Should I make them explicit to guide the decisions of others better? Or do I need flexibility to change them at will?


  7.How do my subordinates react to my managerial style? Am I sufficiently sensitive to the powerful influence of my actions? Do I fully understand their reactions to my actions? Do I find an appropriate balance between encouragement and pressure? Do I stifle their initiative?


  8.What kind of external relationships do I maintain,and how? Do I spend too much of my time maintaining them? Are there certain people whom I should get to know better?


  9.Is there any system to my time scheduling,or am I just reacting to the pressures of the moment? Do I find the appropriate mix of activities or concentrate on one particular function or problem just because I find it interesting? Am I more efficient with particular kinds of work,at special times of the day or week? Does my schedule reflect this? Can someone else schedule my time (besides my secretary)?


  10.Do I overwork? What effect does my work load have on my efficiency? Should I force myself to take breaks or to reduce the pace of my activity?


  11.Am I too superficial in what I do? Can I really shift moods as quickly and frequently as my work requires? Should I decrease the amount of fragmentation and interruption in my work?


  12.Do I spend too much time on current,tangible activities? Am I a slave to the action and excitement of my work,so that I am no longer able to concentrate on issues? Do key problems receive the attention they deserve? Should I spend more time reading and probing deeply into certain issues? Could I be more reflective? Should I be?


  13.Do I use the different media appropriately? Do I know how to make the most of written communication? Do I rely excessively on face-to-face communication,thereby putting all but a few of my subordinates at an informational disadvantage? Do I schedule enough of my meetings on a regular basis? Do I spend enough time observing activities firsthand,or am I detached from the heart of my organization's activities?


  14.How do I blend my personal rights and duties? Do my obligations consume all my time? How can I free myself from obligations to ensure that I am taking this organization where I want it to go? How can I turn my obligations to my advantage?




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