
来源:职称英语    发布时间:2013-02-03    职称英语辅导视频    评论

  第一篇 Husband and Wife by Arrangement
  Some Japanese still get married by parents’arrangement. Yoshio and Hiromi Tanaka, a young Japanese couple living in the United States, told the story of their arranged marriage. “We didn’t marry for love in the Western sense. We got married in the traditional Japanese way. Our parents arranged our marriage through a matchmaker(媒人). In Japan we believe that marriage is something affecting the whole family rather than a matter concerning only the young couple. So we think it is very important to match people according to their social background, education and so on. When our parents thought it was time for us to get married, they went to a local matchmaker and asked her for some suggestions. We discussed the details and looked at the photos she sent, and then our parents asked her to arrange a ‘marriage interview’for the two of us. ”
  A Japanese marriage interview is held in a public place, such as a hotel or a restaurant, and is attended by the boy and the girl, their parents and the matchmaker. Information about the couple and their families is exchanged over a cup of tea or a meal. Then the boy and the girl are left alone for a short time to get to know each other. When they return home they have to tell the matchmaker whether they want to meet again or not.
  Yoshio continued, “When our parents realized we were serious about each other, they started to make arrangements for our wedding. My family paid the marriage money to Hiromi’s. This is money to help pay for the wedding ceremony and for setting up the house afterwards. We also gave her family a beautiful ornament (装饰品)to put in the best room of their house, so everyone knew that Hiromi was going to marry. ”
  31 The Japanese think of the marriage of a young couple as
  A a sign showing the love between them.
  B an opportunity for their parents to show their love for their children.
  C a private affair for the boy and the girl.
  D an important matter having influence on the whole family.
  32 In arranging a marriage in Japan, the matchmaker plays all the following roles EXCEPT
  A making arrangements for the wedding.
  B providing the information the families need.
  C arranging the “marriage interview”.
  D attending the “marriage interview”.
  33 According to the passage, the best time to make arrangement for the wedding is
  A when the young couple agree to meet again.
  B when the young couple are sincere about their relation.
  C when the parents think it is time for their children go get married.
  D when the parents are well-informed about each other’s family.
  34 In the traditional Japanese way of marriage, the marriage money given by the boy’s family is used for
  A the matchmaker’s pay.
  B the “marriage interview”.
  C the wedding ceremony and the new house.
  D the girl’s wedding clothes.
  35 According to the passage, what plays the most important role in the matching of young people in Japan?
  A Their parents’attitude.
  B Their family background.
  C Their occupation.
  D Their love for each other.



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