
来源:职称英语    发布时间:2013-02-03    职称英语辅导视频    评论

  第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每 题1分,共15分)




1. So far no one has been able to account for the cause of the accident.

A) assess

B) explain

C) describe

D) investigate

2. All those present noticed the minute change in his look.

A) big

B) timely

C) dramatic

D) slight

3. The war was over, but the whole country was in a state of disorder.

A) confusion

B) disagreement

C) disappearance

D) disaster

4. The young man was accused of theft in the supermarket.

A) arrested for

B) charged with

C) praised for

D) described as

5. The cause of the fire is being investigated.

A) looked after

B) looked through

C) looked forward to

D) looked into

6. Numerous attempts have been made to hide the truth.

A) Many

B) Successful

C) Effective

D) Unsuccessful

7. It is obvious that there is difference in the way they view the matter.

A) natural

B) certain

C) inevitable

D) clear

8. It is odd that so little is known about the talented painter.

A) surprising

B) unreasonable

C) strange

D) unbelievable

9. Everyone in the class participated in the farewell party.

A) contributed to

B) took pleasure in

C) took part in

D) enjoyed

10. Since ancient times people have found various ways to preserve meat.

A) carve

B) cook

C) freeze

D) keep

11. To understand what we are going to talk about today, you have to rely on what you have read previously.

A) beforehand

B) carefully

C) before

D) in advance

12. At the policeman's signal, the vehicle pulled up.

A) stopped

B) slowed down

C) sped up

D) turned up

13. Not everyone can perceive the gradual change in the writer's style.

A) appreciate

B) notice

C) describe

D) discover

14. It was said that after his father's death, he possessed nearly half of his father's wealth.

A) wasted

B) owned

C) purchased

D) sold

15. They all agreed that the changes that have taken place are substantial.

A) significant

B) superficial

C) inadequate

D) inevitable




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