
来源:职称英语    发布时间:2013-02-04    职称英语辅导视频    评论


  1 Our English teacher is sick.

  A fat

  B weak

  C i11

  D mad

  2 Mary is looking for the book she lost yesterday

  A trying to find

  B trying to read

  C trying to buy

  D trying to borrow

  3 I rarely play basketball.

  A normally

  B seldom

  C frequently

  D usually

  4 My father is a physician.

  A researcher

  B professor

  C doctor

  D student

  5 The Foreign Service is a branch of the Department of State.

  A center

  B division

  C root

  D base

  6 The index is the government's chief gauge of future economic activity

  A measure

  B opinion

  C method

  D decision

  7 It's sensible to start any exercise program gradually at first.

  A workable

  B reasonable

  C possible

  D available

  8 A lot of people could fall ill after drinking contaminated water.

  A boiled

  B polluted

  C mixed

  D sweetened

  9 You have to be patient if you want to sustain your position

  A maintain

  B better

  C acquire

  D support

  10 She stood there,trembling with fear.

  A jumping

  B crying

  C moving

  D shaking

  11 Medical facilities are being upgraded.

  A expanded

  B repaired

  C improved

  D transferred

  12 Rock climbing is hazardous

  A interesting

  B dangerous

  C attractive

  D useful

  13 John is eligible for this job.

  A accepted

  B recommended

  C rejected

  D recommended

  14 In order to improve our standard of living,we have to accelerate production.

  A involve

  B decrease

  C speed up

  D give up

  15 Mary looked pale and weary.

  A worried

  B ugly

  C silly

  D exhausted


  1 C 题干中的sick是“生病的”。i11也有此意。fat是“胖的”。weak是“体弱的”。mad是“发疯的”。

  2 A look for是“寻找”。它是活动动词,不一定有结果,进行体是它常见的形式。find是在瞬间中能得到一个结果的动词。Many people can not find work许多人找不到工作。find不适合用进行体。try to find是“试图找到”,也就是说,这种努力不一定有结果,因此在意义上跟“look for”近似。Read是“阅读”。buy是“购买”。Borrow是“借入”。

  3 B rarely:很少。seldom也有这个意思。She seldom shows her feelings.她很少流露自己的感情。frequently:经常。She frequently attends academic meetings.她经常参加学术会议。usually:通常。Influenza usually breaks out in winter.流感常在冬天爆发。normally:正常地,常态地。

  4 C physician:内科大夫;doctor:大夫。是内科大夫必然是大夫,因此用doctor替换physician对句子的意义没有太大的影响。researcher研究者;professor教授;student学生。

  5 B branch:分支机构;枝。division也有分支机构的意义。center:中心;root:根;base:基础。

  6 答案为A。gauge的意思是“估计,精确测量”。选项A(measure)的意思是“测量”,与画线词意思相近,故A为答案。


  8.答案为B。contaminated在这里是形容词,意思是“被污染的,弄脏的”,选项B(polluted) 的意思也是“被污染的”,两者意思相同,故选B。

  9.答案为A。sustain在这里的意思是“继续保持”,与动词maintain意思相同。sustain one's position的意思是“继续保持自己的职位”。





  14.答案为c。accelerate的意思是“加速”,与speed up意思相同,故选C。

  15.答案为D。本句的意思是:Mary看上去面色苍白,浑身无力。weary的意思是“疲倦 的,萎靡的”,与exhausted意思相近,故选D。



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