
来源:职称英语    发布时间:2013-02-03    职称英语辅导视频    评论

  1. The price of vegetables fluctuates according to the weather.
  A jumps   B rises   C falls  D changes


  2. Did you do that to irritate her?
  A tease   B attract   C annoy  D protect

  3. Mary looked pale and weary
  A ill   B tired   C worried  D peaceful

  4. The water in this part of the river has been contaminated by sewage(污水).
  A polluted   B downgraded   C mixed  D blackened

  5. Her treatment of the subject is exhaustive
  A very boring  B very thorough  C very interesting  D very touching

  6. Alice is a fascinating girl.
  A a beautiful  B a pretty C an attractive  D a pleasant

  7. Her mood can be gauged by her reaction to the most trivial of incidents.
  A displayed  B shown   C proved  D assessed

  8. The old lady let her flat to an English couple.
  A offered   B rented  C provided  D sold

  9. She stood there crying and trembling with fear.
  A shaking   B staggering  C struggling  D murmuring

  10. They strolled around the lake for an hour or so.
  A ran   B rolled C walked  D raced


  D C B A B C D B A C



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