
来源:职称英语    发布时间:2013-02-03    职称英语辅导视频    评论

  1、They are concerned for the fate of the forest and the Indians who dwell in it.
  A. live   B. sleep   C. hide   D. gather

  2、The index is the government’s chief gauge of future economic activity.
  A. method  B. measure  C. way   D. manner


  3、The architecture is harmonious and no building is over six-storey high.
  A. old-fashioned B. traditional  C. conventional D. balanced

  4、The food is inadequate for ten people.
  A. demanded  B. qualified  C. insufficient  D. required

  5、She persevered in her ideas despite obvious objections raised by friends.
  A. persisted  B. insisted  C. resisted  D. suggested

  6、I have been trying to quit  smoking.
  A. give up  B. pick up  C. build up  D. take up
  7、Relief workers were shocked by what they saw.
  A. moved   B. touched  C. surprised  D. worried

  8、The weather is a constant subject  of conversation in Britain.
  A. question  B. problem  C. title   D. topic

  9、This is not typical of English, but is a feature of the Chinese language.
  A. particular  B. characteristic C. remarkable  D. idiomatic

  10、It is virtually impossible to persuade him to apply for the job.
  A. simply   B. almost   C. totally   D. completely

  1  A 2  B 3  D 4  C 5  A
  6  A 7  C 8  D 9  B 10  B



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