
来源:职称英语    发布时间:2013-02-04    职称英语辅导视频    评论

  阅读判断 (第16—22题,每题1分,共7分)
  Riches and Romance From Frante’S Wine Harvest
  September is harvest time.And with bunches of grapes swinging(摇摆)in the wind,the vineyards of southern France are getting ready to celebrate it.
  The yearly wine festival is held in honor of Bacchus,the Roman god of wine.It’s a fun time with parties,music,dancing,big meals and,of course,lots of wine.
  French wine-making began more than 2,500 years ago.The world’s oldest type of vine grows in France and always produces a good quality wine.Today France produces one-fifth of the world’s wine,and some of the most famous varieties.
  The top wine-producing areas are Bordeaux,Burgundy and the Loire Valley.Champagne,a drink used in celebrations,is named after the place where sparkling(有汽泡的)wine was first produced in 1700.
  Wine is made from the juice of freshly picked grapes.It is the sugars that turn into alcohol.Traditionally, people used to take off their shoes and crush the grapes with their bare feet to bring out the juice.Nowadays,this practice is usually carried out by machines.
  Each wine producing region has its own character,based on its type of grapes and soil.
  The taste of wine changes with time.Until 1 850, a11 French champagne was sweet.Now, both wine and champagne taste slightly bitter.
  The drink has always been 1inked with riches,romance and nobleness.Yet the French think of it in more ordinary terms.
  They believe it makes daily living easier,1ess hurried and with fewer problems.
  “A11 its links are with times when people are at their best;with relaxation,happiness,long slow meals and the free flow of ideas,”wrote wine expert Hugh Johnson.
  16 All French people celebrate the grape harvest every September.
  A RightB WrongC Not mentioned
  17 In the yearly wine festival,people always enjoy themselves.
  A RightB WrongC Not mentioned
  18 Wine—making in France has a history of over 2,500 years.
  A RightB WrongC Not mentioned
  19 Many varieties of wine produced in France are named after places.
  A RightB WrongC Not mentioned
  20 Different regions in France produce different types of wine.
  A RightB WrongC Not mentioned
  21 French wine will taste sour(酸的)in the future.
  A RightB WrongC Not mentioned
  22 The French people believe that drinking wine is a good way to relax.
  A RightB WrongC Not mentioned来源:www.examda.com
  16.B 该题说的是:每年九月所有的法国人都庆祝葡萄节。 第一段的第二个句子的后半句是这么说的:法国南部的葡萄园正准备庆祝这个节日。可见,该判断是错的。
  17.A 该题说的是:在一年一度的葡萄节中,人们总是过得很愉快。这个判断是正确的。答案可见第二段的最后一句话。
  18.A 该题说的是:法国的葡萄酒酿造历史已有2 500多年了。这个判断是正确的。答案可见第三段的第一个句子。
  19.c 该题说的是:法国出产的许多种葡萄酒都是用地名命名的。文章中只提到香槟酒的名字是来自地名,并没有说许多葡萄酒的名字都来自地名。
  20.A 该题说的是:法国不同的地区出产不同种类的葡萄酒。这个判断是正确的。答案可见第七段。第七段是这么说的:每个出产葡萄酒的地区由于葡萄和土壤的不同,都有自己的特色。
  21.C 该题说的是:法国葡萄酒将来会变酸。第八段说到了葡萄酒味道的变化,但没有提到将来会变酸。
  22.A 该题说的是:法国人相信喝葡萄酒是放松的一种好办法。答案可见于最后一段。



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