
来源:经典译文    发布时间:2013-02-07    经典译文辅导视频    评论

  This year, resolve to drop your daily deal habit. Buying coupons can be extremely addictive, because sometimes the deals are just too tempting. But oftentimes, you'll end up doing something that you never planned on doing in the first place and trying restaurants that you had no intention of trying to begin with. The problem is that you might forget about them if you're not carefully keeping track of them, and you may end up losing money when the coupon expires.


  Do yourself and your budget a favor this year, and unsubscribe from all the daily deals sites except your all-time favorite. I know there may be deals that seem too good to miss out on, so limit yourself to buying one or two online coupons this year. If you're worried about missing out on an amazing deal, I'm sure you'll catch wind of it through friends or social media. And if you miss one, either scout for it on sites that sell unused daily deals or patiently wait for it to show up again.




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