名著精读《飘》第二章 第19节

来源:经典译文    发布时间:2013-02-06    经典译文辅导视频    评论

  • 第1页:名著阅读
  • 第2页:词汇释义
  • 第3页:难句解析
  A pain slashed at her heart as savagely as a wild animal’s fangs . Through it all, she felt her father’s eyes on her, a little pitying, a little annoyed at being faced with a problem for which he knew no answer. He loved Scarlett, but it made him uncomfortable to have her forcing her childish problems on him for a solution. Ellen knew all the answers. Scarlett should have taken her troubles to her.


  “Is it a spectacle you’ve been making of yourself—of all of us?” he bawled, his voice rising as always in moments of excitement. “Have you been running after a man who’s not in love with you, when you could have any of the bucks in the County?”


  Anger and hurt pride drove out some of the pain.


  “I haven’t been running after him. It—it just surprised me.”


  “It’s lying you are!” said Gerald, and then, peering at her stricken face, he added in a burst ofkindliness: “I’m sorry, daughter. But after all, you are nothing but a child and there’s lots of other beaux .”


  “Mother was only fifteen when she married you, and I’m sixteen,” said Scarlett, her voice muffled .


  “Your mother was different,” said Gerald. “She was never flighty like you. Now come, daughter, cheer up, and I’ll take you to Charleston next week to visit your Aunt Eulalie and, what with all the hullabaloo they are having over there about Fort Sumter, you’ll be forgetting about Ashley in a week.”


  “He thinks I’m a child,” thought Scarlett, grief and anger choking utterance , “and he’s only got to dangle a new toy and I’ll forget my bumps.”


  “Now, don’t be jerking your chin at me,” warned Gerald. “If you had any sense you’d have married Stuart or Brent Tarleton long ago. Think it over, daughter. Marry one of the twins and then the plantations will run together and Jim Tarleton and I will build you a fine house, right where they join, in that big pine grove and—”


  “Will you stop treating me like a child!” cried Scarlett. “I don’t want to go to Charleston or have a house or marry the twins. I only want—” She caught herself but not in time.


  名著精读《飘》第二章 第9节
  名著精读《飘》第二章 第10节
  名著精读《飘》第二章 第11节
  名著精读《飘》第二章 第12节



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