
来源:经典译文    发布时间:2013-02-06    经典译文辅导视频    评论

  The iPod and iPhone could soon be helping to teach people how to sing along to their favoritetracks under plans drawn up by Apple to turn the devices into mobile karaoke machines。

  据英国《每日电讯报》21日报道,苹果计划将它的iPod 音乐播放器和 iPhone 智能手机转变成移动“卡拉ok”唱机,不久这些小玩意儿就可以教人们唱自己喜爱的歌曲了。

  It found worldwide success by inventing a device that transformed the way people listened to music.Now a patent application submitted by Apple has revealed its plans to help teachamateur singers how to hit the right pitch and key by iPpod and iPhone。


  There is also good news for those forced to listen: the technology will be able to make off-key warbling sound in-tune。


  The device will allow users to select their favorite songs to sing along to, displaying the words as a video on screen much like traditional karaoke machines。


  As the user sings, however, the iPod will analyze their voice, comparing it with how the song is supposed to sound and providing them with feedback if they are off key to help them correct their performance。


  If the singer hits the pitch and key perfectly, then they will be rewarded by having theirperformance enhanced to give a concert hall effect that is pleasing to listen to。


  But when they are off key or sing at the wrong pitch, the device will exaggerate their mistake so that they can hear it in a pair of earphones they are wearing。


  The system would also be able to change the output from the speakers, if the singer was performing in front of an audience, so they did not have to endure bad singing. Instead it would "fuzz" the singer’s voice to disguise the fact they are off key。


  The patent also proposes allowing users to record their performances and edit them later, while a digital sound wave read out would also allow them to see how they had performed compared to the original。


  Apple refused to comment on how it intends to develop the patent and when its karaoke system will be available on the market, but the company’s online music store sells music under acategory of karaoke。


  Tracks include popular karaoke favorites by artists such as MC Hammer, Blondie, The Beach Boys and Tina Turner。





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