
来源:经典译文    发布时间:2013-02-06    经典译文辅导视频    评论

  Stuck in the ’friend zone’ with that special someone who you wish could see you in a moreromantic light? Here’s a simple insight into getting that someone of your interest, interested.


  1. Be Patient.

  This individual who has been your friend, is not going to overnightfall magically in love with you with no matter what advances you make. Don’t assume because you’re good friends, she will believe you can be a good lover to her by just upfront telling her, you have to subtly reveal it to her. Remember you first have to stack the odds in your favour first before you can go for the kill.



  2. Carry on being a good friend.

  Don’t just stop all friendly things with her and become this new flirty guy. You’ll creepher out and lose her friendship.



  3. Be Bold.

  This is probably the reason why you got stuck in the friend zone in the first place. Let her know how amazing you think she is (but don’t overkill it), live in the moment, when you’re outcompliment her on her physical features, for example "You always look great, but tonight you’refigure in that dress...... simply flawless."



  4. Flirt more.

  Start flirting a little more. Learn the art of kino, touch her more, especially when flirting. But don’t just flirt with her, flirt with other women especially in her presence (don’t overkill though), let her see other women desire you, in doing this you are leveling the playing field, allow her to think you’re interested in other women, it displays confidence, she’ll respect you.



  5. Go for the kill.

  By now you are ready to ask her out on a date. The best way to do this, ask her out at an event where you’re likely to be a very important figure in the room, for example, your birthday party. Take her outside or somewhere quiet, where the two of you can be alone, pull her in close, look her dead in the eye and say, "Would you like to go out some time?" She’ll know its not on a friendship term.



  6. Get physical early.

  You need to get out that friend zone and the best way is to get intimate. When you go out hold her hand, put your arms around her and read her body language, if she’s not pulling away she’s comfortable with you.



  7. If you’re close with her, hint that you like them or straight out tell them.

  Most of the time they will feel the same way, even if they don’t want to admit it because some people are afraid of losing a great friendship. But most of the time a great friendship is a great relationship. It’s just the transition between the two and the fear of losing the friendship that usually gets in the way.






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