双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第10章 Part 3

来源:经典译文    发布时间:2013-02-06    经典译文辅导视频    评论

  • 第1页:小说原文
  • 第2页:重点讲解
  ’But my little friend here, Sir,’ said the Major, ’makes a boy of me again: An old soldier, Sir - Major Bagstock, at your service - is not ashamed to confess it.’ Here the Major lifted his hat. ’Damme, Sir,’ cried the Major with sudden warmth, ’I envy you.’ Then he recollected himself, and added, ’Excuse my freedom.’


  Mr Dombey begged he wouldn’t mention it.


  ’An old campaigner, Sir,’ said the Major, ’a smoke-dried, sun-burnt, used-up, invalided old dog of a Major, Sir, was not afraid of being condemned for his whim by a man like Mr Dombey. I have the honour of addressing Mr Dombey, I believe?’


  ’I am the present unworthy representative of that name, Major,’ returned Mr Dombey.


  ’By G-, Sir!’ said the Major, ’it’s a great name. It’s a name, Sir,’ said the Major firmly, as if he defied Mr Dombey to contradict him, and would feel it his painful duty to bully him if he did, ’that is known and honoured in the British possessions abroad. It is a name, Sir, that a man is proud to recognise. There is nothing adulatory in Joseph Bagstock, Sir. His Royal Highness the Duke of York observed on more than one occasion, "there is no adulation in Joey. He is a plain old soldier is Joe. He is tough to a fault is Joseph:" but it’s a great name, Sir. By the Lord, it’s a great name!’ said the Major, solemnly.


  ’You are good enough to rate it higher than it deserves, perhaps, Major,’ returned Mr Dombey.


  ’No, Sir,’ said the Major, in a severe tone. No, Mr Dombey, let us understand each other. That is not the Bagstock vein, Sir. You don’t know Joseph B. He is a blunt old blade is Josh. No flatteryin him, Sir. Nothing like it.’


  Mr Dombey inclined his head, and said he believed him to be in earnest, and that his high opinion was gratifying.


  ’My little friend here, Sir,’ croaked the Major, looking as amiably as he could, on Paul, ’will certify for Joseph Bagstock that he is a thorough-going, down-right, plain-spoken, old Trump, Sir, and nothing more. That boy, Sir,’ said the Major in a lower tone, ’will live in history. That boy, Sir, is not a common production. Take care of him, Mr Dombey.’




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