双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第10章 Part 8

来源:经典译文    发布时间:2013-02-06    经典译文辅导视频    评论

  • 第1页:小说原文
  • 第2页:重点讲解
  Walter’s eyes filled with tears as he spoke; and so did those of Florence. Her father saw themglistening, though he appeared to look at Walter only.


  ’It is a very large sum, Sir,’ said Walter. ’More than three hundred pounds. My Uncle is quite beaten down by his misfortune, it lies so heavy on him; and is quite unable to do anything for his own relief. He doesn’t even know yet, that I have come to speak to you. You would wish me to say, Sir,’ added Walter, after a moment’s hesitation, ’exactly what it is I want. I really don’t know, Sir. There is my Uncle’s stock, on which I believe I may say, confidently, there are no other demands, and there is Captain Cuttle, who would wish to be security too. I - I hardly like to mention,’ said Walter, ’such earnings as mine; but if you would allow them - accumulate -payment - advance - Uncle - frugal, honourable, old man.’ Walter trailed off, through these broken sentences, into silence: and stood with downcast head, before his employer.


  Considering this a favourable moment for the display of the valuables, Captain Cuttle advancedto the table; and clearing a space among the breakfast-cups at Mr Dombey’s elbow, produced the silver watch, the ready money, the teaspoons, and the sugar-tongs; and piling them up into a heap that they might look as precious as possible, delivered himself of these words:


  ’Half a loaf’s better than no bread, and the same remark holds good with crumbs. There’s a few. Annuity of one hundred pound premium also ready to be made over. If there is a man chock full of science in the world, it’s old Sol Gills. If there is a lad of promise - one flowing,’ added the Captain, in one of his happy quotations, ’with milk and honey - it’s his nevy!’


  The Captain then withdrew to his former place, where he stood arranging his scattered locks with the air of a man who had given the finishing touch to a difficult performance.


  When Walter ceased to speak, Mr Dombey’s eyes were attracted to little Paul, who, seeing his sister hanging down her head and silently weeping in her commiseration for the distress she had heard described, went over to her, and tried to comfort her: looking at Walter and his father as he did so, with a very expressive face. After the momentary distraction of Captain Cuttle’saddress, which he regarded with lofty indifference, Mr Dombey again turned his eyes upon his son, and sat steadily regarding the child, for some moments, in silence.


  -------- ①“流着牛奶与蜂蜜”原是圣经中形容肥沃的土地(巴勒斯坦)的话,船长用它来形容沃尔特年轻有为、前程远大。



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