双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第11章 Part 2

来源:经典译文    发布时间:2013-02-06    经典译文辅导视频    评论

  • 第1页:小说原文
  • 第2页:重点解释
  ’Berry’s very fond of you, ain’t she?’ Paul once asked Mrs Pipchin when they were sitting by the fire with the cat.


  ’Yes,’ said Mrs Pipchin.


  ’Why?’ asked Paul.


  ’Why!’ returned the disconcerted old lady. ’How can you ask such things, Sir! why are you fond of your sister Florence?’


  ’Because she’s very good,’ said Paul. ’There’s nobody like Florence.’


  ’Well!’ retorted Mrs Pipchin, shortly, ’and there’s nobody like me, I suppose.’


  ’Ain’t there really though?’ asked Paul, leaning forward in his chair, and looking at her very hard.


  ’No,’ said the old lady.


  ’I am glad of that,’ observed Paul, rubbing his hands thoughtfully. ’That’s a very good thing.’


  Mrs Pipchin didn’t dare to ask him why, lest she should receive some perfectly annihilating answer. But as a compensation to her wounded feelings, she harassed Master Bitherstone to that extentuntil bed-time, that he began that very night to make arrangements for an overland return to India, by secreting from his supper a quarter of a round of bread and a fragment of moist Dutch cheese, as the beginning of a stock of provision to support him on the voyage.


  Mrs Pipchin had kept watch and ward over little Paul and his sister for nearly twelve months. They had been home twice, but only for a few days; and had been constant in their weekly visits to Mr Dombey at the hotel. By little and little Paul had grown stronger, and had become able to dispense with his carriage; though he still looked thin and delicate; and still remained the same old, quiet, dreamy child that he had been when first consigned to Mrs Pipchin’s care. One Saturday afternoon, at dusk, great consternation was occasioned in the Castle by the unlooked-for announcementof Mr Dombey as a visitor to Mrs Pipchin. The population of the parlour was immediately swept upstairs as on the wings of a whirlwind, and after much slamming of bedroom doors, and trampling overhead, and some knocking about of Master Bitherstone by Mrs Pipchin, as a relief to the perturbation of her spirits, the black bombazeen garments of the worthy old lady darkened the audience-chamber where Mr Dombey was contemplating the vacant arm-chair of his son and heir.




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