双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第11章 Part 9

来源:经典译文    发布时间:2013-02-06    经典译文辅导视频    评论

  • 第1页:小说原文
  • 第2页:重点解释
  Mrs Pipchin, in her deference, merely muttered at the young man as she passed on, and said, ’Oh! he was a precious fellow’ - leaving the young man, who was all meekness and incapacity, affected even to tears by the incident. But Mrs Pipchin had a way of falling foul of all meek people; and her friends said who could wonder at it, after the Peruvian mines!


  The Doctor was sitting in his portentous study, with a globe at each knee, books all round him, Homer over the door, and Minerva on the mantel-shelf. ’And how do you do, Sir?’ he said to Mr Dombey, ’and how is my little friend?’ Grave as an organ was the Doctor’s speech; and when he ceased, the great clock in the hall seemed (to Paul at least) to take him up, and to go on saying, ’how, is, my, lit, tle, friend? how, is, my, lit, tle, friend?’ over and over and over again.


  The little friend being something too small to be seen at all from where the Doctor sat, over the books on his table, the Doctor made several futile attempts to get a view of him round the legs; which Mr Dombey perceiving, relieved the Doctor from his embarrassment by taking Paul up in his arms, and sitting him on another little table, over against the Doctor, in the middle of the room.


  ’Ha!’ said the Doctor, leaning back in his chair with his hand in his breast. ’Now I see my little friend. How do you do, my little friend?’


  The clock in the hall wouldn’t subscribe to this alteration in the form of words, but continued to repeat how, is, my, lit, tle, friend? how, is, my, lit, tle, friend?’


  ’Very well, I thank you, Sir,’ returned Paul, answering the clock quite as much as the Doctor.


  ’Ha!’ said Doctor Blimber. ’Shall we make a man of him?’


  ’Do you hear, Paul?’ added Mr Dombey; Paul being silent.


  -------- ①荷马(Homer):公元前10世纪前后的希腊盲诗人;《伊利亚特》及《奥德赛》两大著名史诗的作者。 ②米涅瓦(Minerva):罗马神话中司智慧、学问、战争的女神。



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