双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第11章 Part 12

来源:经典译文    发布时间:2013-02-06    经典译文辅导视频    评论

  • 第1页:小说原文
  • 第2页:重点解释
  Mr Dombey answered ’Not at all:’ applying those words, it is to be presumed, to the partiality, and not to the forgiveness.


  ’And it may seem remarkable in one who is a mother also,’ resumed Mrs Blimber.


  ’And such a mother,’ observed Mr Dombey, bowing with some confused idea of beingcomplimentary to Cornelia.


  ’But really,’ pursued Mrs Blimber, ’I think if I could have known Cicero, and been his friend, and talked with him in his retirement at Tusculum (beau-ti-ful Tusculum!), I could have diedcontented.’


  A learned enthusiasm is so very contagious, that Mr Dombey half believed this was exactly his case; and even Mrs Pipchin, who was not, as we have seen, of an accommodating dispositiongenerally, gave utterance to a little sound between a groan and a sigh, as if she would have said that nobody but Cicero could have proved a lasting consolation under that failure of the Peruvian MInes, but that he indeed would have been a very Davy-lamp of refuge.


  Cornelia looked at Mr Dombey through her spectacles, as if she would have liked to crack a few quotations with him from the authority in question. But this design, if she entertained it, was frustrated by a knock at the room-door.


  ’Who is that?’ said the Doctor. ’Oh! Come in, Toots; come in. Mr Dombey, Sir.’ Toots bowed. ’Quite a coincidence!’ said Doctor Blimber. ’Here we have the beginning and the end. Alpha and Omega Our head boy, Mr Dombey.’


  The Doctor might have called him their head and shoulders boy, for he was at least that much taller than any of the rest.He blushed very much at finding himself among strangers, and chuckled aloud.


  ’An addition to our little Portico, Toots,’ said the Doctor; ’Mr Dombey’s son.’


  -------- ①图斯库卢姆(Tusculum):古罗马城市,在罗马东南24公里处。公元前一世纪,西塞罗在此有一别墅,他的哲学著作《图斯卢姆谈话录》(TusculanaeDisputationes)就是在这里完成的。 ②戴维的安全矿灯:英国著名化学家汉弗莱·戴维(HumfreyDavy,1778—1829年)于1815年发明的防煤气爆炸危险的矿灯。 ③阿尔法和乌米加(AlphaandOmega)分别是希腊字母表中头一个字母α和最后一个字母C。



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