The Emperors New Clothes 皇帝的新衣

来源:经典译文    发布时间:2013-02-06    经典译文辅导视频    评论




  The Emperor's New Clothes 皇帝的新衣:

  Long ago,there lived an emperor,who especially liked wearing new clothes. He was always thinking about that.All he did all day was to constantly try on new clothes. When the people asked after him they were told: the emperor is in dressing room.

  One day,two cheaters came.They said they were weavers,They spread the word in the city that they could weave the most beautiful clothes.Which were not onlu nice-looking,but also magic. If these kinds of clothes were worn,silly and ignorant people could not see them.Having heard this,the emperor thought: This is wonderful! If I wear the magic clothes, we will see who is not ignorant or foolish. Good!

  So, the emperor called on the cheaters and gave them a lot of money to make them weave quickly.

  The two cheaters arrived. They pretended to weave until midnight. But nothing was on the loom.They pretended to be busy and take gold and cloth from their pockets. The loom was empty without a thread on it.

  The emperor wanted to know how things were getting on. So he assigned an honest minister to watch them, because an ignorant person would not be able to see anything. The minister arrived. He saw them working busily at nothing.

  The minister thought that: Am I dreaming so that I can not see it?

  He walked to the loom to touch it, but it was still empty. Why am I so ignorant that I can not see the cloth?

  He began to worry silently. Then, the two cheaters pointed at the empty loom and said:Look! How nice it is! How charming the pattern is ! In order to disguise that he was an ignorant and silly minister, he said loudly: yes, it is so nice! How beautiful! I will report it to the emperor who will be satisfied with it!

  Again after several days, the emperor sent another minister to watch. The minister could not see anything on the empty loom.

  He thought: I will be a silly and ignorant man if I tell the truth. So just like the first minister, he reported to the emperor: emperor , the cloth is so nice!

  The emperor wanted to wear the new cloth soon and decided to go and see for himself. He took all the ministers along and came to the place where the cheaters pretended to work. The emperor saw the two cheaters working around the looms, but the looms were completely empty without a thread. Why? The emperor thought: I can not see anything. It is so strange. Am I a fool? Am I not fit to be the emperor? Impossible! The emperor pretended to look carefully at the cloth and said to all the ministers: Look! How nice it is! The ministers saw nothing but they said: yes, it is so beautiful! Also they suggested the emperor wear the new clothes for a procession the next day. The two cheaters pretended to work until nightfall. The next morning, they held something and said to the emperor: Look! My exalted majesty, here are the new clothes for you! So, they had the emperor stand in front of a mirror and take off his clothes. Then they pretended to dress him up.

  The emperor also turned his body toward the mirror and he pretended to be pleased. The minister said: a perfect fit! How nice! Wonderful!

  The procession began. All the ministers touched the ground with their hands as if they were holding the clothes. The people, standing along the sides of the street said: oh! The clothes of the emperor are so nice! It is a wonder! Because nobody

  wanted to say they couldn't see anything for no one was willing to be a fool. However, a little child saw the emperor and he cried out: Oh! The emperor has nothing on!

  Yes, what the child said was true. The emperor indeed had nothing on. The words of the child spread... The people said: the emperor is naked! The emperor began to tremble because he thought what the people said was right. But he didn't want it to be known that he was wrong. So he showed off an arrogant air and walked on. Following him, the minister held the pretend robe.



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