双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第8章 Part 5

来源:经典译文    发布时间:2013-02-06    经典译文辅导视频    评论

  Ay! But that’s at night,’ said Mr Dombey, drawing his own chair closer to his son’s, and laying his hand gently on his back; ’little people should be tired at night, for then they sleep well.’ ’Oh, it’s not at night, Papa,’ returned the child, ’it’s in the day; and I lie down in Florence’s lap, and she sings to me. At night I dream about such cu-ri-ous things!’

  “是的!可是那是在夜里,”董贝先生把他自己的椅子拉得跟他儿子的椅子挨近一些,同时把他的手轻轻地放在他的背上,说道,“小人儿夜里应该是累的,因为这样他们才能睡得香。” “哦,这不是在夜里,爸爸,”孩子回答道,“这是在白天。我躺在弗洛伦斯的膝盖上,她唱歌 给我 听。夜里我梦见这些希奇——古怪的事情!”

  And he went on, warming his hands again, and thinking about them, like an old man or a young goblin.


  Mr Dombey was so astonished, and so uncomfortable, and so perfectly at a loss how to pursuethe conversation, that he could only sit looking at his son by the light of the fire, with his hand resting on his back, as if it were detained there by some magnetic attraction. Once he advancedhis other hand, and turned the contemplative face towards his own for a moment. But it sought the fire again as soon as he released it; and remained, addressed towards the flickering blaze, until the nurse appeared, to summon him to bed.

  董贝先生十分惊异,十分不安,完全不知道该怎么把谈话进行下去;他就只好借着火光看着他的儿子,一只手仍搁在他的背上不动,仿佛有什么魔术的吸引力把它阻留在那里似的。有一次他伸出另一只手,把那沉思的脸转向他一会儿,可是他手一放松,它又 转回去对着壁炉,眼睛一动不动地 看着闪烁的火焰,直到保姆前 来召唤他去睡觉为止。

  ’I want Florence to come for me,’ said Paul.


  ’Won’t you come with your poor Nurse Wickam, Master Paul?’ inquired that attendant, with great pathos.


  ’No, I won’t,’ replied Paul, composing himself in his arm-chair again, like the master of the house.


  Invoking a blessing upon his innocence, Mrs Wickam withdrew, and presently Florence appeared in her stead. The child immediately started up with sudden readiness and animation, and raised towards his father in bidding him good-night, a countenance so much brighter, so much younger, and so much more child-like altogether, that Mr Dombey, while he felt greatly reassured by the change, was quite amazed at it.


  After they had left the room together, he thought he heard a soft voice singing; and remembering that Paul had said his sister sung to him, he had the curiosity to open the door and listen, and look after them. She was toiling up the great, wide, vacant staircase, with him in her arms; his head was lying on her shoulder, one of his arms thrown negligently round her neck. So they went, toiling up; she singing all the way, and Paul sometimes crooning out a feebleaccompaniment. Mr Dombey looked after them until they reached the top of the staircase - not without halting to rest by the way - and passed out of his sight; and then he still stood gazing upwards, until the dull rays of the moon, glimmering in a melancholy manner through the dimskylight, sent him back to his room.

  他们一起离开房间以后,他觉得他听到了一个温柔的声音在唱歌;他记起保罗曾对他说过他姐姐给他唱歌的事,就怀着好奇心开了门,听着并目送着他们。她抱着他,沿着那宽阔的、没有人的大楼梯,辛苦地走上去;他的头靠在她的肩膀上,一只胳膊随便地挽着她的脖子。他们就这样吃力地走上去;她一路唱着歌,保罗有时有气无力地低声伴唱着。董贝先生目送着他们,直到他们到达楼梯顶上——他们在中间也曾停下 来休息过——,离开了他的视野;可是这时候他仍站在那里向上凝视着,直到后来淡弱的月光凄凉地、忽隐忽视地穿过幽暗的天窗,照着他回到他自己的房间。

  Mrs Chick and Miss Tox were convoked in council at dinner next day; and when the cloth was removed, Mr Dombey opened the proceedings by requiring to be informed, without any gloss orreservation, whether there was anything the matter with Paul, and what Mr Pilkins said about him.


  ’For the child is hardly,’ said Mr Dombey, ’as stout as I could wish.’


  注释:dream vi. 梦想;做梦,梦见;想到 n. 梦想,愿望;梦 vt. 梦想;做梦;想到 adj. 梦的;理想的;不切实际的 [ 过去式dreamt 过去分词dreamt 现在分词dreaming ] 词组: dream of 梦想;梦见 have a dream 做梦 like a dream 毫不费力地;轻而易举地;完美地 dream come true 梦想成真;美梦成真 dream about 梦想;梦到 in my dream 在我的梦中 american dream 美国梦 sweet dream 酣梦,甜蜜的梦 dream world 梦境;幻想世界 fond dream 南柯一梦;黄粱美梦 one world one dream 同一个世界,同一个梦想(2008北京奥运会的口号) pipe dream [口]白日梦,空想 dream team n. 梦之队;最佳阵容 dream up 设计;创造 impossible dream 不可能实现的梦;不可能的梦想 dream house 梦想之家 day dream 白日梦 dream lover n. 梦中人 a midsummer night’s dream 仲夏夜之梦(威廉·莎士比亚的喜剧作品) dream away 虚度 例句: (1). In his dream he could fly. 在他的梦里他可以飞。 (2). I know, but I can dream. 我知道,但是我可以梦想。 (3). And is there a dream job for everyone? 是否每个人都会有一份梦想的工作呢?

  2. glimmer n. 微光;闪光;少许 vi. 闪烁;发微光 n.微光;闪光;少许 例句: (1). He can see aglimmer of light through the curtains. 他能透过窗帘看到一“丝”微光。 (2). The doctor’s report gave us only a glimmer of hope. 医生的报告只给了我们一丝希望。 (3). We saw the glimmer of a distant light through the trees. 我们透过树林看到远方闪烁着星星点点的灯火。 (4). Victims of the internet mob still have a glimmer of hope. 网络暴徒们的受害者们还尚存一丝希望。 (5). For the least glimmer of truth is conditioned by politics. 即便是最为微弱的真理之光,也逃不过政治的控制。 (6). She could see a glimmer that was the surface of the mirror. 她看到一线光亮,那是镜面上反射出来的光。 (7). China has provided a glimmer of hope in the depressed global car industry. 中国为低迷的全球汽车业带来一线希望。 (8). But money can not bring a glimmer of happiness from the depths of our hearts. 但是,金钱无法为我们的内心深处带来一丝一毫的幸福感。 (9). In fact, as long as the collision sparks a glimmer of life will be different. 其实只要擦撞出一丝火花,生命就会与众不同。



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