
来源:经典译文    发布时间:2013-02-06    经典译文辅导视频    评论

  “Elopement” is a term or an event with some sort of mysteriousness. In China, stories about runaway lovers are quite a lot. Some may wonder, what eventually happened to the runaway lovers, or if there were happy endings to those brave lovers。
  In ancient China, elopement mainly referred to the act of running away with one’s beloved. The lovers, usually not able to gain approval of marriage from parents, had to resort to a secret runaway. Mostly the female lover would follow her beloved male lover。
  In fact, “elopement” seldom happened in ordinary households. In the rich or official families, as the young generation received a relatively higher education, there were cases of young lovers going against their parents’ wish and running away for marriage freedom. However, as the act did not accord with the value of “arranging a match by parents’ order and on the matchmaker’s word” which was much advocated by the feudal ethics, not many stories of runaway lovers have been handed down。转载自:考试大 - [233.Com]
  Among the numbered cases, the romance of Sima Xiangru and Zhuo Wenjun is the most renowned one, and also one of the rare successes. Sima Xiangru was a poor lad from obscure background, in modern words, he was the one “without house, without car, without money and without card。” Yet by pure chance he moved Zhuo Wenjun, a lady from a rich family, with a guqin-accompanied song, The Male Phoenix Seeks His Mate. After the two eloped, Sima Xiangru was still the same talented scholar with little wealth, and Zhuo Wenjun had to sell liquor in the market despite her eminent family background, turning herself into a peddler – as modern people put it. Fortunately, both of them cherished their hard-earned relation, so the ending was generally happy. Yet judging from the long history, more of the eloping girls did not end so well: a lot becoming one of the many concubines, feeling depressed; and some being cheated, deserted by their beloved in the end。
  The ancient Chinese society had a severe punishment for those “eloping” lovers. If a man was caught eloping, his name would be removed from the family temple, his land be confiscated, and his body tied to a door plank, beaten by stick until he was severely hurt or even dead; the girl would be either forced to go home or drowned in the well. If the girl was born in a more prominent family, the poor lad would be evicted out of the family’s sphere of influence. No matter the eloper was man or woman, the family of the elopers would feel unable to “hold up their heads” in their living circle。



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