
来源:经典译文    发布时间:2013-02-06    经典译文辅导视频    评论

each of the four seasons on mt. huangshan has their respective beauty but even this can vary from day to day thanks to variations in the weather, light and shade as clouds pass overhead and even around you at the higher reaches. this endless changing adds an emphasis to the wonder of the landscape and to know the mountain thoroughly, you would need to visit mt. huangshan in all the different seasons.
mt. huangshan in spring is like a maiden - all is new, fresh and tender. spring comes in april but its onset is delayed by three days for every 100 meters as you climb the mountain. therefore, when wild flowers are brilliant and seedlings are shooting up at its foot, the plants half way up the mountain will be just awakening from their winter sleep and will not exhibit their beauty until a week later. the sound of birdsong is most pleasant in this quietness while you will be enchanted by the color changes as you climb your way up. spring is probably the most propitious season for visiting mt. huangshan and is certainly the best time to view the many waterfalls due to the abundant precipitation.
it is hard to resist the charm of the cool green mountain sides in summer when an exuberance of plant life covers the valleys and peaks with a green blanket. the green trees and ivy mingle to form natural pavilions where you can sit and refresh yourself while enjoying the beautiful scenery with a cooling breeze to sooth you.
dawn in summer is most splendid as the rising sun lights the sky and the peaks and the plants and the whole world takes on a brilliant glow. after a storm, mt. huangshan becomes a world of water. numerous streams and waterfalls compose an exciting and vigorous symphony. the sea of clouds during this season is not as vast as during autumn or winter but it revels in its brightness. if you are really lucky you will see a vivid rainbow flying over two peaks. sunset is no less enchanting than sunrise. mt. huangshan in summer is the best resort in which to escape high temperatures of southern china.



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