赫敏恋情终曝光 与壁画男孩相恋

来源:经典译文    发布时间:2013-02-06    经典译文辅导视频    评论

  She has complained that men find her intimidating. But now it seems Emma Watson has bewitched her latest co-star after they were spotted embracing in Los Angeles. Emma, 21, looked ‘besotted’ as she tenderly kissed Johnny Simmons, 24, who stars with her in the upcoming ?30 million drama The Perks Of Being A Wallflower.
  陪伴我们走过近10年路程的电影《哈利波特》最后一部完结篇《哈利波特与死亡圣器(下)》上映之后,票房一路飘红,完美的大结局也算给了“哈迷”们一个交待,在电影中,我们看到了哈利波特与赫敏罗恩的三角恋结束,哈利波特与金妮的爱情开花结果了,赫敏终于选择了让罗恩陪伴自己,剧情的大结局算是让影迷们满意了,可现实中,演员们的爱情也是让哈迷们纠结的一个屏幕背后的大事,影片中的绝对女主角---艾玛·沃森自2001年第一次出演系列第一部《哈利波特与魔法石》只有9岁,在最近的采访中,艾玛自曝当时的初恋对象是大反派小生--马尔福,自去年初与银行家男友杰·巴利摩分手后,频频传绯闻,又与乐手兼模特儿乔治·克雷格相恋,艾玛的感情生活一直是影迷们关注的一个焦点,焦点却一直模糊不清。近日,21岁在剧中饰演好学生赫敏的演员艾玛·沃森小姐在告别《哈利波特》后,给了喜欢她的影迷们一个满意的答案:21岁的赫敏亲吻电影《壁画男孩》24岁的演员Johnny Simmons,两人的恋情在电影拍摄期间曝光。请访问考试大网站http://www.233.com/
  The couple have been spotted together before, but previously it was denied they were in a relationship. Yet there could be no doubt that they are deeply involved as the Harry Potter star, in a multi-coloured maxi skirt, white sweater and sandals, and Johnny were locked together in a lingering clinch outside a restaurant in Santa Monica.
  这对新曝光的鸳鸯在前段时间还出面正式否认两人拍拖的新闻,现在却被媒体拍摄到如胶似漆亲吻,在之前受访中,抱怨自己找不到男朋友,男孩子都受不了自己坏脾气的艾玛·沃森似乎找到了真爱。在照片中,哈利波特巨星---身穿一条多花色长裙,白色小外套和一双夹角拖鞋与男友Johnny Simmons相互依偎在饭店Santa Monica的边上。
  Emma has fought hard to shake off her prim schoolgirl image after playing Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films. And her new American boyfriend should suit her purposes well – he has a slightly risque past and even had the odd run-in with the police. His film career includes playing a drug addict and sexually explicit scenes.
  据悉,艾玛·沃森在新影片《壁画男孩》中极力摆脱哈利波特10年中塑造的乖乖女好学生赫敏形象,媒体猜测,新交往的这个美国男朋友Johnny Simmons正好复合艾玛“企图”摆脱乖乖女形象的全部硬件条件:比如,他有不被媒体看好的私生活,以及甚至不大明朗的记录等等。扮演的角色与毒贩子或者性一直脱不开干系。
  An onlooker told The Mail on Sunday: ‘They were all over each other, kissing and hugging. It was very sweet to see. She looked utterly besotted. A girl recognised her and approached her. The couple, who are starring together in the film The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, share a hug and gaze lovingly into each others' eyes Emma was polite and acknowledged her, but she just wanted to be with Johnny and was clearly under his spell. They’re obviously head-over-heels in love.’Johnny has spent the night with Emma at the upmarket house in Santa Monica where she has been staying with friends.www.233.CoM考试就上考试大
  A source said: ‘The moment Johnny turned up Emma was all over him. He stayed overnight at least one night this week. It is clearly a serious relationship. They might have denied it before but they don’t seem to be trying to hide it now.’Another friend said: ‘Emma loves how down-to-earth and normal Johnny is. He’s very charming and sweet.’
  Emma and Johnny were seen together in a park in June, but at the time her publicist strongly denied they were an item. That month at the MTV Movie Awards afterparty Johnny was spotted pinching Emma’s bottom. It was only recently Emma lamented how hard it is to find a boyfriend.
  据悉,告别了《哈利波特》艾玛还与奥斯卡提名女星米歇尔-威廉姆斯合拍《我与玛丽莲的一周》(My Week With Marilyn),后者将出演玛丽莲-梦露,虽然艾玛在戏中只是一个小角色。影片将于今年11月4日在北美上映。除此之外,艾玛还有一部新片就是与罗根-勒曼(《波西杰克逊与闪电窃贼》)合拍的青春电影《壁花男孩》(The Perks of Being a Wallflower),该片主演讲述在高中校园中新生查理与学长学姐萨曼莎和帕特里克是好朋友。他们为查理打开了一个性、毒品和复杂的人际关系的全新却颓废的世界。沃特森将扮演萨曼莎,也是帕特里克的继妹。



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