英国网购遇冷 百姓更爱传统购物方式

来源:经典译文    发布时间:2013-02-07    经典译文辅导视频    评论

  Doing your weekly food shop online is meant to take the stress out of shopping. But virtual supermarkets are pushing all the wrong buttons with many customers. Rather than enjoying the convenience of ordering from home, they regard trawling through hundreds of products on their computer screens as something of a chore.
  And there is always the niggling fear that what they choose won’t end up in their shopping bag – or even arrive on time. As a result, many are returning to the high streets and shopping malls with a new appreciation for the old way of putting food on the table – simply popping into the supermarket. Britain’s online supermarkets, operated by Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda, Ocado and Waitrose, are the most sophisticated in the world.
  But that does not mean that they provide a satisfactory experience, researchers say. As well as all the angst about missing items, late deliveries and strange substitutions, there is also a widely held suspicion that fresh products, such as vegetables, bread and milk, are often too close to their use-by dates.来源:考试大
  Dr Chris Hand, one of the researchers from Kingston University’s Faculty of Business and Law, which carried out the study, said many who have tried web stores to buy groceries are going back to bricks and mortar. ‘When someone starts buying books or music online they don’t normally stop and go back to bookshops or CD sellers,’ he said. ‘But that’s exactly what is happening with many online grocery shoppers.’
  领衔这项调查的专家Dr Chris Hand说:“原先着迷于在家就能享受美食的宅男、宅女们开始厌恶了网购的缺点,重新回到实体店中找回购物的快感。然而,网购在食品领域的停滞并不阻碍它在其他领域的快速发展,比如:书籍、CD等这种文化用品,大家还是倾向网购,因为这样还是更省钱、更划算。”



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