
来源:托福    发布时间:2013-01-26    托福辅导视频    评论



  Anglor 是一个著名的城市,但是它在1500之后人口decline了,文章给出了三个decline的原因: 1. 因为有大量财富,吸引了很多invader,不断的invade 最终有Thai Kingdom占领了这个城市。导致城市decline 2. 因为religious的改变。原来的国王信仰叫做“god of kings” 就建了很多temple,后来变成了Buddhism, temple就less important了,最后城市就被abandon了 3. 因为一次1500年很长时间的干旱,都没吃的了。人们最后走了去找吃的了。

  lecture:全盘否定:1.作为一个invader,占领城市的第一件事情不是drive everybody out而是just took the city and keep the population。这是recover经济的根本。 2. 在那个时期,还有很多其他的信仰 overlapped在这个城市,这么多年都过去了,不能说buddhism就是原因。 3. 有example表明,在1500之前 1200年左右,有一次更长更严重的干旱,湖边的water plant都变成drought plant了但是城市依然存活下来。


  Nowadays, it is much easier for a person to achieve success without family's help than in the past. Use details and examples in your response.

  Modern society has made it much easier for a person to achieve success independently. Many of the artificial constraints previously limiting the success of certain demographics have been reduced by the steady advancement of technology and the democratization of society; as a result, the ability to achieve success independent of family aid has increased dramatically.

  As noted, technology is one of the things that has made this possible.Take subway and bus systems, for example: The advent of relatively quick and affordable public transportation networks such as these has made it possible for people to commute distances that previously would have not been feasible without the help of family resources.This gives people more flexibility when it comes to finding work. Or look at the advent of the internet: This has not only made it possible to find work online, but it has also democratized the distribution of information. People now have access to a wealth of resources for self-improvement, all without the hefty costs associated with educational institutions.

  Social equality has also increased significantly. This has lead to the world becoming much more of a meritocracy than it was before. In many past societies, upwards mobility was a function of your family standing rather than the birthright of every citizen. This type of nepotism is commonly frowned upon now, and people are much more likely to be promoted based on the quality of their work than their family ties. This is also partially thanks to the influence of capitalism; market forces favor those who excel at what they do, so as long as you perform well, it's much more likely that you'll find success.

  Related is the elevation of previously marginalized groups in society. In 19th-century France, for example, women were expected not to walk outdoors unescorted, since those that did were likely prostitutes. Such circumstances did not allow for much upwards mobility, unless these women had family connections they could call on. And even then, the range of professions they could pursue was strictly limited by the prevailing gender biases of the time. They were also restricted in terms of education, which placed an apparent ceiling on their capabilities and perpetuated the idea that women were inferior to men. While far from perfect, today's societies give women much more room to succeed in general, not just without the help of their families. The same can be said of other traditionally oppressed groups, such as African Americans in the United States.

  Overall, people can independently achieve more today than they ever could in the past. Technology has encouraged this through the creation of accessible public transportation and information networks, while social changes have facilitated this by eroding the systemic biases that previously held down certain demographics. A family's help can still be beneficial to achieving success, but its role is no longer as important as it was before. ( 479 words)






  新东方课程 我要报班》》新东方TOEFL课程

   班级推荐: 北京新东方托福(TOEFL)iBT系列培训




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