
来源:托福    发布时间:2013-01-26    托福辅导视频    评论


  1. Do you think it is necessary for schools to require students to do 40 hours of community service each school year? Give details and examples to support your response. Begin your response after the beep.

  Volunteering is a way that students can learn to make a positive contribution to society. Although 40 hours might seem like a lot, this just adds up to a few hours each week during the school year. The prosperity of society has given most children nowadays a very privileged upbringing. Most students don’t understand what it means to have nothing and consequently, they don’t appreciate what they have. Community service helps show students how lucky they are and teaches them to appreciate and take care of the things they have. For example cleaning up parks helps teach them environmental sustainability and responsibility towards creating a better community. By requiring students to complete community service, they will learn how to be responsible citizens and members of society.

  2. Do you think a school's success depends on the textbooks it publishes? Give details and examples to support your response. Begin your response after the beep.

  I think a successful school is one that provides the best means to help its students succeed. Part of this means providing good classroom materials, such as textbooks. Some schools might have the resources to publish their own books, but I think unless those books are written by reliable educational experts, the school is wasting its resources. Simply publishing a textbook does not automatically make a school successful, but rather publishing a quality textbook that other schools also want to use will help add to the success of a school. If a school does not have the resources to publish quality textbooks, then I think it should devote its time to training quality teachers. After all, a school with good teachers can be successful, regardless of the quality of its textbooks.

  3. passage:学校为了帮助学生解决电脑问题,准备雇用一些paid student technician。这些technician要住在宿舍,为了给大家提供24小时的服务。作为回报,住宿的费用减低一半


  第一点. 她有一次做作业做到很晚,电脑freeze了,修不好,她只能抱着一大堆书去图书馆用电脑。但是第二天她一个朋友说这是个很简单的问题,一下子就解决了,如果有student technician能帮她解决这个问题,就太好了。


  解析:学校决定雇佣student technician,并且让这些学生住宿费用减半,因为他们要住在宿舍提供24小时的服务。首先可以说,The university decided to hire paid student technician who can provide 24-hour service on campus. As a return, the university cuts half of the accommodation fee. 听力中,女生赞同这一做法(And the woman agreed with this)。根据她提供的两点理由,可以判断答题思路如下:理由一,如果有同学能够迅速解决电脑问题会很方便(注意复述听力第一个理由的时候一定要和阅读中的第一个点整合),其中的detail就是她上次碰到的一次电脑故障的例子;理由二,减半住宿费用很不错(和阅读第二点呼应),因为住宿费很贵,她自己也想竞选这个职位。按照典型task-3的模板嵌入内容即可。

  4. contrast effect


  lecture:教授举了自己的例子,自己年轻的时候去找房子,一开始看了很多烂房子small and crap,很受不了。突然看到了一个还可以的 bigger and seems nicer。就定下来了。因为和前面的房子比较。但是等他搬进去,发现还是太小,他的家具什么的都放不下,而且现在看起来也没有那么nice。他还是应该更耐心一点去找更多的。

  解析:阅读中给出contrast effect定义,lecture中教授举了一个自己的亲身经历。答题思路:首先解释阅读中对contrast effect的定义,加以一定的解释,之后过渡听力材料中教授的例子,just like the example from the professor,最后详细复述和概括教授的例子。注意阅读和听力内容两者间的对应。

  5. 问题:男生需要在寒假帮历史教授写新书不能回家。但他同时是篮球队员,需要每天去gym锻炼。不过学校的gym冬天不开门

  解决方法:1. 去town里面的gym。有one-month-membership 刚好可以cover整个寒假。里面有他需要的所有器材。但是 75一个月太贵了 2. 去户外跑步。但是会很冷。

  解析:答题思路:男生的问题是他是篮球队员需要每天去gym训练,但是学校的gym冬天不开门。有两个解决办法,一是去town里的gym,二是去户外跑步。可以选择第一个solution,理由是因为去户外跑步很冷,但是每个月75的费用可以通过part-time jobs 搞定。非常典型的第五题,用经典策略就可以搞定。

  6. fast current 的河里面的鱼遇到challenge,第一,水流太快,无法停留在一个地方,会被水流冲下去。 catfish,有着big和muscular的fin(鱼鳍)可以swim against水流


  解析:提到fast current的河里面鱼会遇到两个challenge(两个解释方面/两个分论点),一个是无法停留,会被水流冲下去,一个是携带的食物无法迟到。针对前面一个challenge,有一种鱼叫catfish(第一个分论点的例子),它有big and muscular fin,从而可以swim against 水流;针对后面的challenge(第二个分论点的例子),有一种鱼叫trout,它的一种behavior可以解决, trout一直在岸边附近,这样就能吃到food,因为一般来说河流中间的水最快,但是岸边的水慢。



  解析:典型的校方规定类的第三题,学校的proposal的中心是加入国际频道,两个理由是帮助学生学习外语,另外一个是让国际学生了解自己的国家。按 照答题的策略,可以用The university decided to add the international program/channel in the school’s TV programs. 由于学生在对话中是支持的,所以可以按照两个理由点和阅读两个理由的对应关系,确定两个points,同时加入听力中学生支持之后的细节,例如:女生自己 学习西班牙语的例子和美国学生对美国events的关心。按照典型task-3的模板嵌入内容即可。



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