
来源:托福    发布时间:2013-01-26    托福辅导视频    评论

  Living at the edge of the desert
  You don’t need a humanistic education in order to become a herdsman. Tending camels is a humble occupation, not at all well suited to hypersensitive individuals, such as myself, camels are quite arrogant beasts, only too ready to try and humiliate those who care for them, for example, by spitting at them.
  As a herdman, there is no need to hypothesise on the meaning of life, what you do need, though, is a well-balanced nature, plus a fair amount of humility, living at the edge of the desert presents a great many hurdles to economic survival, clearly, herding camels must be one of the most difficult forms of animal husbandry.
  Still, camels are well-adapted to life around the desert, they drink lots of water when they find it and store it in their humps, for when conditions are more precarious, likewise, they do not have much of a problem with the sand storms that rage like hurricanes in springtime, hurling clouds of dust and clods of earth over long distances, hustling anyone in their path to look for shelter, the howling of the wind alone is enough to hypnotise humans and animals alike.
  New breeds of hybrid grains have been developed that thrive under conditions that are less than humid, these grains are easy to husk, while the husks themselves can be used as fodder for the camels, that leaves the problem of personal hygiene. How do you keep yourself clean and healthy in conditions of such severe shortage of humidity, let alone in the middle of a dust storm?
  Living at the edge of the desert is tough, to say the least. My hypothesis is that I would not last longer than a week under such conditions of hardship.
  Humble adj.微贱的,谦逊的
  Humid adj.潮湿的
  Humidity n.湿气,湿度
  Humiliate vt.羞辱,使丢脸
  Humility n.谦卑http://ks.examda.com
  Hump n.驼背,峰,圆形隆起之物
  Hurdle n.篱笆,障碍
  Hurl vt.用力投掷
  Hurricane n.飓风,暴风雨
  Husbandry n.节俭, 耕种,务农 ,农牧业
  Husk n.外壳,皮 vt.剥….的壳。 削皮
  Hustle n.拥挤喧嚷,催促,粗野地推
  Hybrid n.杂种,混血儿
  Hygiene n.卫生考试大论坛
  Hypersensitive adj.高灵敏度的,感觉过敏的
  Hypnotise vt.催眠
  Hypothesis n.假设,假说
  Hypothesise vt.假设,假定。
  考试大祝大家:Merry Christmas !



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