
来源:托福    发布时间:2013-01-26    托福辅导视频    评论

  - train and work hard
  - support many business
  - risk injury and career loss
  - other profession more important
  - other create the star
  - talent not unique
  Topic sentence
  - Entertainers and athletes rely on talents that not everyone has and so I agree that they deserve their high salaries.
  Supporting sentences
  - Not only are they talented, but also they have often spent most of their lives preparing for their roles.
  - Dedication also helps many other people around them make money.
  - They risk injuries such as loss of voice or damage to their bodies that shorten careers.
  Closing sentence (optional)
  - Since their talent contributes to economic success of so many businesses, I do not believe their high salaries are out of line.
  Entertainers and athletes rely on their talents that not everyone has and so I agree with that they deserve their high salaries. Not only are they talented, but also they have often spent most of their lives preparing for their roles. For example, athletes train their sport skills and keep fit. Entertainers must constantly train their voices, acting technique or musical talent. Their dedication also helps many other people around them make money. Their name sells ticket in places they perform, products they sell and endorse. After all, they risk injuries such as loss of voice of damage to their bodies that shorten careers. Since their talent contributes to economic success of so many businesses, I do not believe their high salaries are out of line.
  - Expensive facility
  - Unnatural for animals
  - Weaken animals
  - educates
  - protects animals
  - entertains
  Topic sentence
  - I disagree with the notion of zoos not serving a useful purpose.
  Supporting sentences
  - They serve very important functions in educating people about animals
  - Zoos protect and take care of animals
  - Zoos are fun for families to visit together.
  Closing sentence (optional)
  - In conclusion, zoos protect animals and provide an opportunity to educate and entertain the public.
  I disagree with the notion of zoos not serving a useful purpose. In fact, they serve very important functions in educating people about animals they might never see otherwise. As most people live in cities, this is the only way to see and learn about animals. Some animals, such as pandas and certain monkeys, are endangered species. In the zoo trained zookeepers take care of them. While they live safely and breed, scientist can study them and find solutions to problem in the animals’natural environment. Additionally, zoos are fun for families to visit together. In conclusion, zoos protect animals and provide an opportunity to educate and entertain the public.



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