
来源:托福    发布时间:2013-01-26    托福辅导视频    评论

  Choice A: sell
  - recover costs
  - money to buy new things
  - motivated to get rid of more
  Choice B: donate
  - feels good
  - helps others
  - clean out more
  Preference: sell extra things around my house
  Topic sentence
  - I prefer to sell rather than donate the extra things around my house.
  Supporting sentences
  - I like to recoup some of my money.
  - It puts money in my pocket to buy the new things I need.
  Opposing view
  - It does feel good to be able to give things to people less fortunate.
  - Out cast-offs help create jobs in second hand stores and in charity organizations.
  Closing statement
  - Clearing space and recovering some of my original money for future purchases is why I prefer to try to sell my used items.
  I prefer to sell rather than donate the extra things around my house. We clear the space in our home regularly so that we can live and work more comfortably. I like to recoup some of my money because I take care of my things and there is no reason for me not to sell them at a reasonable price. Each of the choices has the advantage of motivating us to throw out more than we would if we were simply throwing things in the garbage. It does fell good to be able to give things to people less fortunate. There are even places not that sell what we donate. Our cast-offs help create jobs in second-hand stores and in charity organizations. The sale of these goods also adds to the economy. At he same time, It puts money in my pocket to buy the new things I need. Clearing space and recovering some of my original money for future purchases is why I prefer to try to sell my used items.
  Choice A: censor
  - protect minors
  - filter extreme ideas
  - encourage higher quality
  Choice B: free choice
  - freedom of expression
  - discuss common values
  - responsibility of choice
  Preference: - free choice
  Topic sentence
  - I think that censorship is not a good idea.
  Supporting sentences
  - I prefer to allow people to choose what they wish to view.
  - We would hand over decisions about what is safe to be seen to anonymous people whose values are not known to us.
  - Our personal freedom of expression would be limited.
  Opposing view
  - Censorship ensures that scenes of violence and unnecessary nudity and vulgarity do not offend anyone.
  - Children would be protected from seeing and hearing material that might upset them or cause them to behave in an extreme way.
  - Fear of censorship might even encourage a higher quality of script for broadcast.
  Closing statement
  - Ultimately, if we allow freedom of expression, we can exercise choice and self-censorship instead of deciding what is good for everyone across the board.
  I think that censorship is not a good idea. I prefer to allow people to choose what they wish to view. Censorship measures that scenes of violence and unnecessary nudity and vulgarity do not offend anyone. In fact, children would be protected from seeing and hearing material that might upset them and cause them to behave in an extreme way. It is possible that fear of censorship might even encourage a higher quality of script for broadcast. The price, however, is that we would hand over decisions about what is safe to be seen to anonymous people whose values are not known to us. Our personal freedom of expression would be limited, as would our own responsibility to decide for ourselves what is right. Often,parents set such an example when monitor their children’s viewing choice but then take time to discuss them together.Ultimately, if we allow freedom of expression we can exercise choice and self-censorship instead of deciding what is good for everyone across the board.



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