
来源:托福    发布时间:2013-01-26    托福辅导视频    评论

  TOEFL 002

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.






  1. 除了父母,还有谁教过你道理和经验吗?描述一件具体的事例。


  ● Strangers. it was the first time I went to the lab in which I work now, I was quite hesitate about the way of using the fingerprint register, and a stranger told me the details in a very fast speed. Soon I realized what is needed in the lab and in what way I can improve: good memory and the spirit of rigorous.

  ● All the people around me. Once I was wringing my clothes, a cleaner advised me not left the water on the ground for that might cause inconvenience to others, or even would make others slip. She touched me and made me know I need to care about others by doing some small things.

  ● My grandparents and some of my dear teachers. I grew up with my grandparents; they gave me the impact since I was born. Family atmosphere of study is very important for one to form the habit.

  ● 老师。因为在初中的时候,自己的成绩很好,到了高中,在老师讲到一些很简单的知识的时候,我便毫无兴趣去学。老师发现了这件事之后,便找我谈话,说凡事如果基础打得不牢,那么到后来,事情就会变得越来越吃力,只有拥有一个良好的基础,才能更好地获得成功。听了老师的话,我知道了基础知识的重要性,于是在后来的学习中,我改正了原来错误的观点,打好良好的基础,为后来取得的好成绩打下的坚实的基础。

  ● 我的初中英语老师。在遇到这个老师前,我的英语成绩很差,但在我把我的寒假作业给他看了之后,他的总结让我恢复了对英语学习的信心,因为他认为我只是对一些重要的语法知识不够熟悉或理解不对,加以纠正和做一些针对练习就可以得到提高,事实上,一个月后,我的英语成绩就提高了大约20分/100分

  ● 老师,朋友。在一个假期,我和学校的车协一起骑车三百公里到秦皇岛,每天骑行一百多公里,非常崩溃,快要骑不动时,身边的朋友一直鼓励,为我加油,而且大家一起高呼“加油”、“我们是最棒”的时我也深刻地感受到了team的重要,没有一个team的共同坚持,我们不能坚持那么久。

  ● 老师,有一次我和一个朋友闹矛盾,找老师去抱怨,把责任全都推到了那个同学身上,但是老师告诉我一旦发生矛盾一定是双方都有责任,然后就帮我分析这件事我在哪里做的不对,不仅让我平和的化解了这次矛盾并且也教会了我一种为人处事的方式

  ● 老师。我在大学申请专业的时候,最初没有听从自己的爱好,没follow my heart, 想模仿大多数人,哪个专业热门就读哪个。但我的老师告诉我,要走自己的路,要有独立的思考,于是我选择了自己喜欢的专业。

  2. 你认为子女和父母之间的代沟可以用什么方法来解决呢?


  ● The generation gulf between children and parents is very common, and the gulf can be solved by communication with the two generations. In fact, many problems of the generation gulf are caused by the unwillingness to communicate. Children may think it is unnecessary to talk to parents, and they do in the way they think is right. However parents find it actually wrong to do like that. So the conviction between children and parents is created.

  ● As long as the children tell their parents what they have in their mind, it will be easy to solve the issues. The more frequently they communicate, the fewer problems they will have.

  ● Try to know each deeply and to have something in common. Parents could know their children by learning their interests, talking to them as they are equals and having the ability about theories about adolescents. To find what their children is fascinated in, they can watch the movie their sons and daughters are crazy about; or they can turn in to the teacher for some professional advice which may change their mind in a unique way



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