
来源:托福    发布时间:2013-01-26    托福辅导视频    评论

  Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.






  1. 如果不每天布置家庭作业,那对学习效果有什么改变?


  ●First, students will forget them soom. It is hard to remember everything without review. When I was in grade 2, I had a class called ABC in which the teacher never assign homework. In the class, I found that I cannot remember most knoweledge which was teached on the last class.

  Second, some knowledge you will never know

  ●the effects of the class will be weakened because i would soon forget the knowledge points that are listed out in the class and may be very important.

  ●i might feel at sea. but after a while i will probably find it it interesting to have more fun in studying according to my own strategies.

  2. 你认为老师应如何布置作业?


  ●a little number of questions would be good because students would have negtive feelings if there are too many of them; the homeworks should be set in the purpose of checking out if the students have gasped enough of the class but not of making them to figure difficult questions.

  ●I think teacher should assign homework in a appropriate frequency and quantity.

  The homework should be easy to accomplish and make student reviewing knoweledge.

  ●to get the most efficiency with the least amount of homework. to inspire students to think over but not to repeat, which is quite dull.

  3. 你的老师是否每天给你布置家庭作业?你完成的情况如何?


  ●No, I'm a student in college. My teachers usually assign homework every week. There are so much homework that I have no time to do other thing. I want to read Steve Jobs, study english, play football and work for my boss. But I can only do a few of these because I usually finish every single homework.

  ●when i was in primary school and middle school, of course, there is always lots of homework to do every day. however, colledge teachers rarely leave you homework.

  ●Actually not. There are not have daily homework in the university.

  4. 每天做着老师布置的作业,你觉得这对你学习有什么帮助?


  ●It's really helpful for my study. The knoweledge I had learned in the class is easy to be forgetten and actually I can't understand every point of them in the class. So, by doing homework, I review the knowledge and underdtanding them more well. It necessary for students to so some homework.

  ●the homeworks force me to review what i have learned in the class, help me to build a deeper understanding of the knowledges; they also help teacher to find out if i have really master the new learned skills

  ●it reminds me of what i learnt that day, and helps me to arrange my time properly。




  新东方课程 我要报班》》新东方TOEFL课程



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