
来源:专四专八    发布时间:2013-01-22    专四专八辅导视频    评论

To the general public / To most people / In the popular mind / In most people's opinion ....

But despite / in spite of / for all .... I believe.... / one should ...


In the popular mind, it is immediately assumed that when morals are discussed, it is sexual morals that are meant. The morals of salesmen, doctors, and taxi drivers are only moderately interesting to the general public, while the relations between men and women are frequent themes in novels and movies, themes which no amount of repetition makes stale. Yet in spite of this immense preoccupation with sex, much attention should be drawn to the general moral standards.


To most Chinese parents, college is a place their children should go. And their children, for the most part, are also anxious to go. It is in Chinese tradition that there is something about a college that transfers an ordinary child into a superior adult. But in spite of this belief, men and women who have been to college suspect that this is not the case.





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