
来源:专四专八    发布时间:2013-01-23    专四专八辅导视频    评论


  __1__T.S. Eliot is most famous for____.
  A The Waste Land
  B A Vision
  C The Unknown Citizen
  D The North Ship

   __2__William Butler Yeats is the writer of the following works but____.
  A A Vision
  B The Waste Land
  C The Tower
  D Responsibilities

   __3__Murder on the Orient Express is written by_____ a novelist of detective fiction.
  A Arthur Conan Doyle
  B Edgar Allan Poe
  C Agatha Christie
  D John Fowels

   __4__Death on the Nile is written by____ a novelist of detective fiction.
  A Arthur Conan Doyle
  B Edgar Allan Poe
  C Agatha Christie
  D John Fowels

   __5__A Handful of Dust was_____ best novel and it took its title from T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land (I have seen fear in a handful dust) and it was a modern Gothic comic-tragedy.
  A Graharn Greene’s
  B Evelyn Waugh’s
  C Robert Graves’
  D John Fowels’

   __6__Robert Graves wrote all the following novels except____.
  A 1, Claudius
  B Claudius the God and His Wife Messalina
  C Count Belisarius
  D The Power of the Glory

   __7__The Power and the Glary was written by_____.
  A Graharn Greene
  B Evelyn Waugh
  C Robert Graves
  D John Fowels

   __8__Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty Four were written by____.
  A George Orwell
  B William Golding
  C Graham Greene
  D Robert Graves

   __9__Which of the following group of authors is sometimes referred to as belonging to the “angry young man”?
  A Ernest Hemingway, John Steinbeek
  B Kingsley Amis, John Wain
  C William Golding, John Steinbeck
  D John Wain, William Golding

   __10__ ______ is the representative work of the school of “the angry young man”.
  A Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis
  B Jim by Rudyard Kipling
  C Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad
  D Heart of Darkness



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