
来源:专四专八    发布时间:2013-01-23    专四专八辅导视频    评论

1 The Time Machine is a piece of ___.
A science fiction
B detective story
C picaresque novels
D historical story

2 All of the following but ___ are the plays written by George Bernard Shaw.
A Mr. Warren’s Profession
B Saint Joan
C Pygmalion
D A Doll’s House

3 “The Drama of Ideas” or “The Discussion Play” refers to the plays written by ___.
A George Bernard Shaw
B Oscar Wilde
C Richard Brinsley Sheridan
D Arthur Miller

4 The only tragedy of George Bernard Shaw ___ won him the Nobel Prize.
A Mr. Warren’s Profession
B Heartbreak House
C Saint Joan
D The Doctor’s Dilemma

5 The Importance of Being Earnest is a comedy by ___.
A George Bernard Shaw
B Oscar Wilde
C Richard Brinsley Sheridand
D William Shakespeare

6 Aspect of the Novel was originally a series of lectures delivered at Cambridge by ___. It was one of the most important books on the theory of novel.
A E. M. Foster
B Mark Twain
C William Faulkner
D Henry James

7 All the following writers are the great masters of “stream of consciousness” but ___.
A James Joyce
B Virginia woolf
C William Faulkner
D Henry James

8 The novel of Ulysses is a masterpiece of ___.
A James Joyce
B Virginia woolf
C William Faulkner
D Henry James

9 Possessions was written by ___.
A A. S. Byatt
B Doris Lessing
C Margaret Drabble
D Anita Brookner

10 Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse are novels of “stream of consciousness” written by ___.
A James Joyce
B Virginia woolf
C William Faulkner
D Henry James



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