
来源:专四专八    发布时间:2013-01-23    专四专八辅导视频    评论

1. utopian. ideally perfect state; especially in its social, political and moral aspects 乌托邦,想象中政治上或道德上完美的国家

2. twilit adj. dimly lit (by the twilight ) 微明的,昏暗的
e.g.: At last, he appeared in the twilit gloom.

3.paycheck n. a check issued in payment of wages or salary 付薪水的支票或工资
eg:The new appropriations bill means a larger paycheck for state employees.
He had not given me a paycheck yet.
必背搭配 paying the check 付钱

4. pitch
① n. black, sticky substance made from coal tar, wood tar or petroleum used for waterproofing, roofing, caulking, and paving 沥青,用于防水,盖屋顶,填缝和铺路
eg:“Useless” things can be useful. For instance, pitch can be used to pave the road.
②vt. to throw, usually with careful aim 投,投掷,常指在小心地瞄准后
eg: He pitched the can out of the window.
必背搭配 as dark as pitch; pitch dark 漆黑

5.fiddling adj. trivial, unimportant 无用的;无足轻重的
eg: We should not bother with the fiddling little things.

6. attainable adj. that can be attained 可获得的,可达到的,可实现的
eg: These objectives are certainly attainable.
派生词汇 attainableness n. 可实现 attainability n. 可实现性

7. dynamiten. things likely to cause violent reactions 能引起强烈反应的事物
e.g.: The abortion issue is political dynamite.
派生词汇 dynamics n. 动力学,力学 ; dynamism n. 精力,活动,推动力

8. loathing n. great dislike; abhorrence 厌恶,憎恨
e.g.: She feels intense loathing for him.
派生词汇 Loathe vt. 憎恶; loathingly adv. 憎恶地

9. recipient n. person who receives something 接受者
e.g.: The recipients of prizes had their names printed in the paper.

10. nudge vt. Touch or push (sb.) with one’s elbow to draw his attention to sth.
e.g.: I nudged her and pointed to the man across the street.

11.counseling n. advice, esp. from a professional person (尤指行家的)意见
e.g.: a student counseling service 辅导学生的工作
派生词汇 counsel vt. 提出建议;劝告 n. 劝告 council n. 会议,商议
councilor n. 评议员,顾问,参事;(市,镇等)议会的议员 counselor n. 顾问,律师
词汇辨析 council, counsel 和consul 是不能互相代替的。council 和councilor 主要指评议集会(例如市议会或学生会),及其工作和会籍。counsel和counselor 主要涉及大体上的建议和指导,并涉及提供建议的人。consul指参与国家外事服务的官员。

12. perilousadj. full of risk, dangerous 多险的,危险的
e.g.: a perilous journey across the mountain
派生词汇 perilously adv. 危险地 perilousness n. 冒险,危险性 peril n. 极大的危险

13. rapprochementn.(法)renewal of friendly relations, esp. between countries 友好关系的恢复(尤指国家间)
e.g.: a rapprochement between warring states, faction, ect. 交战国、派系等恢复友好关系

14. propagandan. publicity that is intended to spend ideas or information that will persuade or convince people (观念的)宣传,(信息的)传播
e.g.: There has been so much propaganda against smoking that many people have given it up.
必背搭配 make propaganda for
派生词汇 propagate vt. 宣传;增值,繁殖;传播;普及

15. striven. try very hard (to obtain or achieve sth. )(为获得或实现某事)努力,奋斗
e.g.: strive for success 力争获得成功。
必背搭配 strive after / for / toward; strive with / against
派生词汇 strivingly adv. 努力地

__1__is an imaginary island invented by Sir Thomas More.
We cannot see our way in the __2__dark.
The beggar only asks a __3__ sum of money but is refused disdainfully by the gentleman.
__4__ is the science that studies the effects of forces on the motion of a body or system of bodies, especially of forces that do not originate within the system itself.
You__5__ the smell of greasy food when you are seasick.
John Dennis traveled across the __6__ Alps in 1688.
Most plants __7__ by seed.

2. pitch
3. fiddling
4. Dynamics
5. loathe
7. propagate




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