
来源:专四专八    发布时间:2013-01-23    专四专八辅导视频    评论

1. spatialadj. concerning or existing in space 空间的,有关空间的,存在于空间的
e.g.: The spatial qualities of the new concert hall attract a lot of people.
派生词汇 spatialism n. (现代画派中的)空间主义spatiality n. 空间性,空间状态 spatially adv. 空间地

2. apoplexyn. sudden inability to feel or move, caused by the blockage or rupture of an artery in the brain 中风,卒中
e.g.: Nowadays, more and more people of middle age suffer from apoplexy.
派生词汇 apoplectic adj. (患)中风的 n. 患中风者

3. corpusn. collection of written or sometimes spoken texts (书面的,有时为口语的) 资料,文献,汇编
e.g.: I have got the entire corpus of Milton’s works.

4. colossusn. person or thing of very great size, importance, ability, etc. 非常巨大,重要,有能量等的人或事物
e.g.: Mozart is a colossus among composers.

5. transcendentadj. extremely great; supreme 卓越的;至高无上的
e.g.: Most of the people fail to achieve a transcendent significance in suffering and squalor.
Beyond the limits of experience and hence unknowable (philosophy) 超验的(哲学)
e.g.: Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason considers the thing-in-itself as transcendent.
派生词汇 transcendently adv. 超验地 transcendentness n. 超验 transcendency n. 超越性,卓越 transcendental adj. 先验的

6. troopern.(US) member of a State police force 州警察
e.g.: He dreams to be a trooper.

7. buffalo
①n. kinds of large, usu wild ox in India, Asia, Europe and Africa; North American bison 水牛;(南非或北美的)野牛
e.g.: The buffalo likes to lie in water.
②vt. to intimidate, as by a display of confidence or authority 威胁,恐吓(用显示信心或权势来恫吓)
e.g.: The board couldn’t buffalo the federal courts as it had the Comptroller.

①vi/vt. (cause) to run in panic (使动物或人)惊逃,蜂拥
e.g.: The cattle stampeded towards the farm.
②n. a sudden frenzied rush 惊逃,突然狂奔
e.g.: There was a stampede of panic-stricken crowd from the burning hotel.
必背搭配 stampede(sb)into doing sth.

9. havocn. widespread damage; great destruction (大范围的)破坏,(巨大的)毁坏
e.g.: The floods created havoc.
必背搭配:Play (raise) havoc with/ among

10.judiciaryn. judges of a country collectively 法官(总称)
e.g.: Judiciary must be just.

An __1__stroke will give the apoplectic much pain.
A __2__bureaucracy impeded greatly the advancement of the developing countries.
Philosophers often explicitly reject the notion of any __3__reality beyond thought and claim to be concerned only with thought itself.
He tried to __4__me at first meeting but I soon caught on to his tricks.
The wild party created __5__in the house.


1. apoplectic
2. colossus
3. transcendent
4. buffalo
5. havoc



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