
来源:专四专八    发布时间:2013-01-23    专四专八辅导视频    评论

Ten words in Context
1.dubiousadj. e.g.: Matt was dubious about graduate school as preparation for a career in clothing design. He felt work experience might be better.
__1__ dubious means A. certain B. unsure C. happy
2.ecstaticadj. e.g.: I wouldn’t be just glad if I won the five-million-dollar lottery; I’d be absolutely ecstatic.
__2__ ecstatic means A. active B. patient C. full of joy
3.encountervt. E.g.: I had a strange dream in which I encountered my old boyfriend while I was on my honeymoon.
4.evolvevi. E.g.: How did a plan for a block party evolve into a citywide celebration?
__4__ evolve means A. to grow gradually B. to fall apart C. to shrink
5.fallacyn. e.g.: It is a fallacy for people to think that they can drink and still manage to drive safely.
__5__fallacy means A. a useful idea B. an error C. a goal
6.fictitiousadj. e.g.: The characters in novels are usually totally fictitious, but some are based on real people.
__6__ fictitious means A. unreal B. future C. active
7.gullibleadj. e.g.: You might think I’m gullible enough to fall for that old line, but you can’t fool me that easily.
__7__ gullible means A. suspicious B. mean C. easily fooled
8.liableadj. e.g.: If you lie to me once, I will think you’re liable to lie me again.
__8__liable means A. likely B. unable C. unlikely
9.miserlyadj. e.g.: My rich uncle was so miserly that he never gave money to charity.
__9__miserly means A. lazy B. stingy C. bossy
10.pessimistn. e.g.: A pessimist can see a bad side to even the best situation.
__10__ pessimist means A. a pest B. one who expects the worse C. one who is wise

以下的练习不仅是巩固这一期的词汇,里面还包含了前面一期的词汇噢! 所以大家都把所学的单词联系起来记忆,这样才能学有所成啊!
When my sister visited California, she __11__(e)d Denzel Washington in a department store. Despite feelings of awe, she managed to get up enough nerve to get his autograph, and she has been __12__ ever since.
Angel is so __13__ that her friends often tell her totally__14__stories and then tease her about believing them.
A __15__person is __16__ to end up with lots of money and few friends.
An extreme __17__believes that bad luck can’t be escaped and that it is a __18__to expect good luck. If such a person were the recipient of a million dollars, he or she would complain about the taxes.
At first I was __19__about the prospects of our school’s basketball team; I did not think that they would win even one game. But as the season progresses, the team surpassed all my expectations and __20__(e)d into championship material.

1—5 BCBAB 6—10 ACABB
11.encounter 12.ecstatic 13. gullible 14.fictitious 15.miserly
16.liable 17.pessimist 18.fallacy 19.dubious 20.evolve



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