
来源:专四专八    发布时间:2013-01-23    专四专八辅导视频    评论

Ten words in Context
1.acute adj. E.g.: My headache pains were so acute that they felt like needles in my head.
__1__acute means A. very great B. mild C. slow
2.anonymousadj. E.g.: Many anonymous works are very famous. For example, the author of the Christmas carol “God rest YE Merry, Gentlemen” is unknown.
__2__anoymous means A. short B. having an unknown author C. poorly written
3.apprehensiveadj. E.g.: Ginny was apprehensive as she approached the cow, not knowing if it would try to bite or kick her.
__3__apprenhensive means A. fearful B. irritated C. confident
4.arrogant adj. E.g.: having been a very spoiled child, Becky turned out to be a very arrogant grownup.
__4__ arrogant means A. polite B. quite C. showing too much self-importance
5.bestowvt. E.g.: At the science fair, the judges bestowed the first prize on Vincent, whose experiment showed that dogs are colorblind.
__5__ bestow means A. to take B. to prepare C. to award
6.donorn. e.g.: Our soccer team is seeking donors to contribute money for new uniforms.
__6__ donor means A. one who receives B. one who gives C. one who doubts
7.phobian. e.g.: My roommate has joined a group that helps people with phobias because she wants to overcome her extreme fear of even the smallest spiders.
__7__ phobia means A. an illness B. an extreme fear C. a bad temper
8.prominente.g.: Crystal’s long black hair is so prominent that it’s the first thing you notice about her.
__8__ prominent means A. very colorful B. expensive C. obvious
9.prudentadj. E.g.: Sidney has learned the hard way that it’s not prudent to tease our ill-tempered dog.
__9__ prudent means A. relaxed B. courageous c. careful and wise
10.recipiente.g.: Katherine Heyburn was the recipient of an Academy Award for her role in On Golden Pond in 1984, almost fifty years after her first Academy Award.
__10__recipient means A. one who gives B. one who receives C. one with good luck


The millionaire was so __11__ that he refused to be a major __12__ to the new town library unless it was named for him.
It’s __13__to keep medication on hand if anyone in the family is subject to __14__ asthma attacks.
Joey is very __15__ when he has to give a speech in class, and his stutter becomes especially__16__. As a result, he refrains from raising his hand in class.
The famous actress was sometimes the __17__of __18__letters from fans too shy to sign their names.
Carlotta felt her therapist had __19__ed upon her the greatest of gifts: freedom from fear of open spaces. Before her treatment, Carlotta’s__20__ had kept her s prisoner in her own home. It had inhibited her from even walking into her own front yard.

1—5 abacc       6—10 bbccb
11.arrogant 12.donor 13.prudent 14.acute 15. apprehensive 16.prominent
17. recipient 18.anonymous 19.bestow 20.phobia



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