
来源:专四专八    发布时间:2013-01-23    专四专八辅导视频    评论

Ten words in Context
1.elaborateadj. E.g.: The dinner required elaborate preparation. Each course included a complicated favorite dish of one of the guests.
__1__ elaborate means A. easy and simple to do B. detailed C. ordinate
2.emergevi. E.g.: Anna emerged from the dressing room, looking beautiful in a blue prom gown.
__2__emerge means A. to come out B. to trip C. to call out
3.exoticadj. E.g.:The Kiwi fruit, grown in New Zealand, is one of several exotic fruits now commonly sold in supermarkets.
__3__exotic means A. local B. foreign C. rare
4.frugaladj. E.g.: Diane buys designer jeans, but because I need to be more frugal , I buy storebrand jeans, which are much cheaper.
__4__ frugal means A. hardworking B. lucky C. thrifty
5.impulsiveadj. E.g.: Kids are usually more impulsive than adults. Children will follow such sudden urges as the desire to climb a tree even if they are wearing their best clothes.
__5__impulsive means A. fearful B. careful C. acting without planning
6.indifferentadj. E.g.: Does our society have no interest in homeless children? Are we indifferent to the many families who can no longer afford to pay rent?
__6__indifferent means A. interested in B. unconcerned with C. insulted by
7.indulgentadj. E.g.: Monica’s grandparents are too indulgent with her. They don’t scold her even when she splatters the walls with baby food.
__7__indulgent means A. strict B. lenient C. not caring
8.liberaladj. E.g.: Morma left the waiter a liberal tip because he had been especially friendly and helpful.
__8__liberal means A. average B. frequent C. generous.
9.mediocreadj. E.g.: The mystery movie was neither terrible nor great; it was mediocre.
__9__mediocre means A. ordinary B. awful C. short
10.notableadj. E.g.: Winning the Nobel Prize can make a little-known scientist into a notable world figure.
__10__ notable means A. ineffective B. well-known C. generous

Using the answer lines provided, complete each item below with two words from the above. Use each word once.
The actress, __11__ for her greater performance, deserved her Academy Award. Compare with her, all of the others appeared__12__. Overjoyed, she said, “Thank you, thank you. This is my first Oscar, and I am too ecstatic to think of anything else to say.”
Every time Sylvia shops, he manages to __13__from the store without a single unnecessary purchase. I wish I could be such a(n)__14__shopper.
The __15__meal, full of strange but delicious foods, involved__16__preparation that took up most of the afternoon.
When it comes to the suffering of others, Americans are idealistic. When a disaster strikes, they find it difficult to be__17__to the victims, so they send__18__ donations to the Red Cross.
Rafael is so __19__ that he often decides he wants to go out for dinner or to a movie at the last minute. Overly __20__, his wife agrees every time. She even defers to his wish to eat out after she has already cooked dinner.

1—5 BABCC      6—10 BBCAB
11.notable 12. mediocre 13.emerge 14. frugal 15. exotic
16. elaborate 17.indiffient 18.liberal 19. impulsive 20. indulgent



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