
来源:专四专八    发布时间:2013-01-23    专四专八辅导视频    评论

It can be tempt to hide from the people, places and tasks   (1)
which make life stressful. By removing you from the situa-  (2)
tion, it' s possible to find immediate relief-- and these sources (3)
of stress will never go away unless we confront against them (4)
Being haunted by these stressors means that we can' t be re-
laxed in the case the sources of stress return.              (5)
If avoiding stress triggers isn't such a good technique of
dealing with stress, then what is? Life experience teaches us  (6)
that whenever we need to master a new skill-- learning to
swim, giving a public presentation, taking risks in front of
others--it pays to take a deep breath, perhaps grit our teeth,
and get on with things. Most of the time, it all works out.
Positive confrontation is a good coping skill when facing    (7)
with stress. Instead of avoiding a difficult boss, why take    (8)
every opportunity to work in his or her presence? Throwing
ourselves in the deep end until we master it is one way to
desensitise ourselves to the people, places and work we find
stressful. Taking action is good for our self-esteem too.
Another approach to tackling with stress head-on is to       (9)
keep records while we' re working on our stress. Log the time (10)
of day, situation, how strong the feeling of stress were, how
we coped, and how stressed you felt afterwards can be a
useful tool for some people.



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