英语听力:BBC news 2011-8-1

来源:专四专八    发布时间:2013-01-23    专四专八辅导视频    评论


President Obama has said he's horrified at what he called the Syrian government's "brutality against its own people". His comments came at the end of one of the bloodiest days since the uprising began in mid-March. At least 100 people have been killed across Syria in government offensives against opposition protesters. Marcus George reports from Washington.

奥巴马总统称,他所谓的对于叙利亚政府“对自己的人民实施的暴行”,他感到非常惊骇。自三月中旬开始起义以来,叙利亚经历了最为血腥的一天。在这一天结束的时候,奥巴马发表了该评论。在叙利亚政府对反对派抗议者的镇压活动中,至少已有100人被杀害。Marcus George从华盛顿发回报道。

In a strongly-worded statement, President Obama said he was appalled by the violence in Hama, which he said demonstrated the true character of the Syrian regime. He accused President Bashar al-Assad of using torture and terror against his own people, and such actions would ensure he'd be left on the wrong side of history. But he had praise for the Syrian people; they were courageous, and the United States, he said, would continue to stand with them. In recent weeks, Washington has hardened its tone against President Assad, but so far it's avoided any explicit call for him to hand over power.


The leader of the Republicans in the United States Senate says agreement is very close on a deal to raise the limit on US borrowing to avert an unprecedented default on America's debt. Mark Mardell reports from Washington.

美国参议院共和党领导人称,针对提高美国债务限额即将达成协议,避免前所未有的债务违约行为。Mark Mardell从华盛顿发回报道。

The crisis has been caused because the Republicans, who control the House of Representatives, insist that the debt ceiling should not be raised without dealing with the national debt. Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, says they are close to getting what they want. Even if the president and the leaders of both parties can agree, it doesn't mean they can sell a deal to their troops. Many Democrats will be unhappy that deep cuts aren't matched with tax increases. Republican supporters of the conservative Tea Party movement will worry that the cuts can't be enforced while some don't think the debt limit should be raised at all.

这场危机的发生是因为控制着众议院的共和党人坚持如果不解决全国债务问题就不能提高债务限额。参议院共和党领袖麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)称,他们距离自己想要的结果已经很近。即使总统和两党领导人能达成一致,这并不意味着他们可以向军队兜售自己的计划。许多民主党人会感到不高兴,因为大幅削减支出并没有伴随着提高税收。保守派茶党运动的共和党支持者担心支出削减将不会得到执行,还有一些人担心债务限额根本不会提高。

Police in Mexico say a suspected cartel leader they arrested on Friday has confessed to ordering the murder of 1,500 people in the northern city of Juarez. The man, Jose Antonio Acosta Hernandez, is also suspected of masterminding the attack on an American consulate worker and her husband last year. Vanessa Buschschluter reports.

墨西哥警方称,他们上周五逮捕的一名卡特尔头目嫌疑人已经供认下令在北部城市华雷斯谋杀1,500人。这名男子Jose Antonio Acosta Hernandez还涉嫌于去年策划了杀害美国领事馆工作人员和她的丈夫的阴谋。Vanessa Buschschluter报道。

The security forces said the raid, in which Mr Acosta Hernandez was captured, had been long in the planning. The suspect, who's better known as El Diego, is accused of being the leader of the La Linea gang, whose members work as hired killers for the Juarez cartel. The cartel controls some of the main drug smuggling routes from Ciudad Juarez into the United States. Police believe El Diego is also behind a car bomb attack which killed four people in the border city, the first such attack in Mexico's spiralling drug-related violence.

安全部队称,逮捕Jose Antonio Acosta Hernandez的这次行动已计划很长时间。外号为El Diego的嫌疑人被指控为La Linea犯罪团伙头目。该犯罪团伙成员是华雷斯卡特尔的雇佣杀手。该卡特尔控制着从华雷斯前往美国的主要毒品运输通道。警方相信El Diego还参与了在边境城市杀死四人的汽车炸弹袭击,这是墨西哥不断升级的与毒品有关的暴力中首次类似的袭击。

Indonesian police say 17 people have died in election violence in the remote province of Papua, in the east of the country. They were killed in clashes between supporters of two rival candidates for local elections later this year. Papua has been the scene of low-level separatist insurgency for decades, and the area is heavily militarised.


World News from the BBC

The trial has ended in Tehran of two American men accused of spying. It's exactly two years since the men, Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal, were arrested. They said they had crossed the Iranian border by mistake while hiking in neighbouring Iraq. The Arabic language Al-Alam television is reporting that the verdicts on the two men will be announced in the coming days.

在德黑兰对两名被控从事间谍活动的美国人的审判已经结束。从这两名男子Shane Bauer和Josh Fattal被捕以来已经整整两年的时间。他们说,他们在邻国伊拉克境内远足时误闯边境进入伊朗。阿拉伯语Al-Alam电视台报道称,对这两名男子的判决将在未来几天公布。


The African Union has announced it'll hold a summit to pledge help for the victims of Somalia's famine, which the United Nations says has already claimed 10,000 lives. The statement comes after considerable criticism of the continent's leaders in the African media for failing to help. The UN says 12 million people urgently need help in the region.


A study, published in the scientific journal Nature Medicine says trials of a cheap credit card-sized blood-testing kit which can diagnose infections within minutes, suggests it could transform medical care in remote parts of the world. Called the mChip, the plastic device contains up to 10 individual detection zones, requiring only a pinprick of blood to be placed on them. Prototypes, tested on hundreds of patients in Rwanda looking for infections like HIV and syphilis, returned almost 100% accuracy.


BBC News



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