
来源:专四专八    发布时间:2013-01-23    专四专八辅导视频    评论

  One of America’s most important export is hermodern music. __1__

  American popular music is playing all over the world.It is enjoyed __2__

  by people of all ages in all countries. Because the lyricsare English, __3__

  nevertheless people not speaking English enjoy it. Thereasons for

  its popularity are its fast pace and rhythmic beat.

  The music has many origins in the United States. Country music,

  coming from the suburban areas in the southern United States, is one __4__

  source. Country music features simple themes and melodies describing

  day-to-day situations and the feelings of country people. Many people

  appreciate this music because the emotions expressed by country __5__

  music songs.

  A second origin of American popular music is the blues. It depicted __6__

  mostly sad feelings reflecting the difficult lives of American blacks. It

  is usually played and sung by black musicians, but it is not popular with __7__

  all Americans.

  Rock music is a newer form of music. This music style, featuring

  fast and repetitious rhythms, was influenced by the blues and country

  music. It is first known as rock-and- roll in the 1950’s. Since then there __8__

  have been many forms of rock music, hard rock, soft rock, punk rock,

  disco music and others. Many performers of popular rock music are

  young musicians.

  American popular music is marketed to a demanding audience.

  Now popular songs are heard on the radio several times a day. Some

  songs become popular all over the world. People hear these songs sing __9__

  in their original English or sometimes translated into other languages.

  The words may coincide but the enjoyment of the music is universal. __10__



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