
来源:同等学历申硕    发布时间:2012-07-03    同等学历申硕视频    评论

  1. The author of the book has shown his remarkably keen _______ into human nature.
  [A] intellect
  [B] insight
  [C] perception
  [D] understanding
  2. Smoking is a(n) _______ cause of lung cancer.
  [A] major
  [B] great
  [C] large
  [D] important
  3. This procedure describes how suggestions for improvements to the systems are _________.
  [A] celebrated
  [B] proceeded
  [C] generated
  [D] established
  4. “Since we are exchanging _________, I too have a secret to reveal,” said Mary.
  [A] transferences
  [B] transactions
  [C] confidences
  [D] promises
  5. Like some foreigners, I ask a lot of questions, some of which are insulting silly. But everyone I ________ has answered those questions with patience and honesty.
  [A] come across
  [B] come by
  [C] come over
  [D] come into
  6. _________ being fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill.
  [A] Rather than
  [B] Apart from
  [C] Instead of
  [D] Owing to
  7. Because of the Great Depression in the 1930s, his company conducted a low _______of business with the government.
  [A] amount
  [B] number
  [C] volume
  [D] capacity
  8. The idea of being evaluated by ____________ makes some managers uneasy.
  [A] substance
  [B] subsidy
  [C] subordinate
  [D] subsequence
  9. The contract is __________ unless it is officially stamped.
  [A] invalid
  [B] invaluable
  [C] precious
  [D] deliberate
  10. Becoming aware of our mother’s age, not just in numbers of years but _________ her psychological and physical state, often helps us to understand her better.
  [A] in spite of
  [B] on account of
  [C] in terms of
  [D] by means of



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