
来源:同等学历申硕    发布时间:2012-07-03    同等学历申硕视频    评论

  The three main types of secondary education in the United States have been provided by the Latin grammar school,the academy,and the public high school.The first of these was a colonial institution.It began in New England with the establish ment in 1635 of the Boston Free Latin School.The curriculum(课程) consisted mainly of the classical languages,and the purpose of this kind of school was the preparation of boys for college,where most of them would be fitted for the ministry.

  The academy began in the early 1750’s with Benjamin Franklin’s school in Philadelphia,which later became the University of Pennsylvania.It extended generally to about the middle nineteeth century,except in the southern states where the public high school was late in developing and where the academy continued to be a principal means of secondary education even after 1900.The academy was open to girls as well as to boys,and it provided a wider curriculum than what the Latin grammar school had furnished.It was designed not only as a preparation for college but also for practical life in commercial and business activities.Although its wide educational values are evident and are recognized as important contributions to secondary education in this country,the academy has never been considered a public institution as the public high school has come to be.

  The public high school had its origin in Massachusetts in 1821 when the English Classical School was established in Boston.In 1827,the state enacted(制定)the first state wide public high school law in the United States.By 1840,there were perhaps a dozen public high schools in Massachusetts and many in other eastern states by 1850,they could also be found in many other states.Just as the curriculum of the academy grew out of that of the Latin grammar school,the curriculum of the public high school developed out of that of the academy.The public high school in the United States is a repudiation(推翻) of the aristocratic(贵族的)and selective principle of the European educational tradition.Since 1890,enrollments(入学)in secondary schools,mainly public high schools,have practically doubled in this country every ten years.

1.According to the passage,which of the following sequences indicates the order in which the schools developed?
A.Latin grammar school,public high school,academy.
B.Latin grammar school,academy,public high school.
C.Public high school,Latin grammar school,academy.
D.Public high school,academy,Latin grammar school.
题句的问题是根据文章选择学校出现的次序,按照文章,拉丁语法学校,专科 院校和公立高中出现的时间分别是1635年,1750年,1821年,故B为正确选项。

2.It is the opinion of the author that the academy,compared with the public high school,was ____.
A.obviously academically better
B.more discriminatory in student selection
D.not generally considered as a public institution
题句的问题对公共高校和专科院校进行比较,文章第二段末指出专科院校从未像公共 高校那样看作是公共机构,故D为正确选项。

3.The year 1827 marks the ____.
A.enactment of the first statewide public highschool law
B.founding of the Latin Grammar School in Boston
C.establishment of the English classical School in Boston
D.year when Massachusetts made free public education compulsory after the eighth grade

4.One can probably infer from his article that “Latin grammar school”refers to ____.
A.the Boston Free Latin School
B.all the elementary schools in the United States
C.schools which taught Latin,exclusive of all other subjects
文章的开头指出拉丁语学校开始于英格兰的1635年建立的波士顿免费拉丁学校,所以 A为正确选项。

5.It is implied but not stated in the passage that ____.
A.European educational systems are not good
B.As high schools developed in the united states,the decision was made to make them responsible to people from all classes of socitety.
C.There was an aristocratic and selective principle in the European educaional tradition
D.public high schools in the United States embraced the European educational tradition 
文章最后指出,公立高中是对贵族的和欧洲教育传统有选择的特权的推翻,说明存在 贵族的和有选择特权的欧洲教育传统,A项,B,D项的内容文章中没有涉及,故C为正确选项。



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